Why did the United States raise the repo rate? Is it to start a new round of harvest, or to restore the dollar hegemony?

in finance •  3 years ago 

The United States can't sit still anymore. Printing and releasing money can no longer satisfy his wolf ambitions. Just recently, Lao America announced that it would adjust the interest rate on excess reserves from 0.1% to 0.15% and the overnight reverse repurchase rate from 0% to 0.05. %, this is not a fool!

Of course, the United States can speed up the return of US dollars by doing so. On the day this measure was announced, more than 700 billion US dollars were returned.


What do you think of this old beauty? Isn’t the leeks still enough?

Facing the nearly 30 trillion US debt gap, the United States is the ant on the hot pot. In order to restore the US dollar market, Biden has introduced many policies since he came to power, such as major infrastructure projects, welfare guarantee systems, suspension of repayment of student loans, increased printing of money, and so on.

But this is undoubtedly demolishing the eastern wall to supplement the western wall. One day, all four walls of the house will be demolished. By that day, there will be nothing to protect the United States from wind and rain. To say that the two recent presidents of the United States are not worrying, let's talk about the Chuan Jianguo we are most familiar with-Trump.

During the years of his presidency, the US fiscal deficit has not only not declined, but has increased year by year, from the initial 20 trillion yuan to nearly 28 trillion US dollars. It seems that Trump is doing great good people everywhere. Money.

Although Comrade Chuan Jianguo has temporarily stepped down, his successor, "Sleeping King"-Biden, is here again. Compared to "Comrade Jianguo", he is half a catastrophe. Since he started to take charge of the United States, the US dollar money printing machine has never stopped. I am a little worried that the money printing machine will not be overloaded.

Why do you say this? This actually has to ask the United States!

Why doesn't the United States pay attention to the new crown epidemic! Putting the people in this country in dire straits, the American public has no habit of saving. Once the epidemic hits the factory and closes business, the American people will have no wages to live on, and they can only rely on the government to provide relief. This undoubtedly adds to the fiscal deficit. .

So this has the overnight repurchase rate I mentioned earlier. Although it has attracted hundreds of billions of dollars, it is still a drop in the price of 30 trillion.

There may be some eager to ask here, what is the overnight repurchase rate?

To put it simply, there are companies or banks that need money to take out securities for financing, and then repurchase the interest rate the next day. The increase in overnight interest rates means that the bank lacks short-term liquidity. It is equivalent to that the handling fee becomes expensive, and then the excess money is returned to the US treasury.

To put it another way, this is the way that the United States starts a new round of harvesting, passing its own domestic economic crisis to other places, and absorbing the return of global dollars through this method. The first ones to bear the brunt are the little brothers in the United States.

Switzerland and Turkey have become the first batch of "takers". Switzerland is also a major creditor of the United States. Switzerland has already put its own net worth and lives in the US dollar. The total holdings of US debt is as much as 237.5 billion US dollars, accounting for the entire Nearly 30% of the country's foreign investment, who is not affected by Karma Leek?

Turkey and Switzerland are also difficult brothers and sisters. Both countries are betting on the United States. Unfortunately, it is themselves who are injured in the end. Since 2020, 3/4 of Turkey's foreign exchange has been lost by the United States.

Not only that, the United States also dubbed the "dollar rescue plan" and transferred its printed dollar bills to other countries in need, with the intention of dividing its own bubble with others so that other economies could form a bond with itself. The relationship between other economies originally needed to be aided, but now it has become the "Aid to the United States Plan"!

There is an old saying that "the first wave was shot on the beach by the back wave." Now it is the currencies of various countries being rubbed on the ground by the US dollar. Since the US dollar was printed, the currencies of many countries have depreciated seriously, especially the Thai baht and the rupee. The Thai baht has dropped. More than 10 points, and the rupee is facing the biggest risk in this century.

Originally wanted to replace China as the world's factory, but now India is fading away from this dream. Not to mention the economic growth, even the textile industry, the pillar industry, is in jeopardy. A large number of orders originally from India have flowed into our country.

In fact, compared with the economic crisis in 2008, we can clearly feel that this time the dollar hegemony is not so powerful, or that the United States has been very uneasy to harvest, because there is a stubborn stubble in this session of leeks-that is, China and Russia. .

Russia has already taken the lead in issuing a statement to gradually empty its US dollar assets, and now Russia has very little US dollar assets and US debt left, so the United States has no chance to harvest at all. Not only that, Russia has also largely adopted gold, renminbi, and euros as its foreign exchange reserves, indicating that the international weather vane has changed and the US dollar is no longer the only hard currency.

Although we have a large amount of U.S. debt in our hands, we still do not panic, and the United States cannot reap us arbitrarily. First of all, as one of the world’s top economies, we have our own economic logic and market regulation capabilities, not to mention that the RMB’s status in the world is gradually increasing. Although it is not as good as the US dollar, it is a rising star. This is not a crash. The dollar can be compared.

I just said that Turkey, which was taken advantage of by the United States, is now reluctant to continue to be harvested. Taking you as a brother, you stabbed me in the back. Now Turkey intends to ship all dozens of tons of gold originally placed in the United States out of the United States, and to sell all its U.S. debt, to establish friendly relations with China, and is willing to exchange currency with the renminbi.

Not only Turkey but also Canada joined this currency swap agreement, as well as more than 60 countries. The United States has become a target of public criticism. But there is nothing to do with China. This is "the one who gains the way will help more, and the one who loses the way will help the few."

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