Lady Liberty Is Faking An Orgasm

in finance •  6 years ago 

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Remember the famous diner scene in the movie, “When Harry Met Sally” where Meg Ryan (Sally) and Billy Crystal (Harry) are having a lunch time conversation about Harry’s sexual promiscuity and lack of commitment? Sally confronts Harry, who thinks the person he is sleeping with, “Is having an ok time”. He doesn’t realize that many women fake orgasm and that most likely some of these women he thinks he is pleasing are simply faking orgasm.

Harry’s arrogance helps him believe that women don’t fake an orgasm with him and of course, Sally demonstrates publicly by having a fake orgasm at the table. By doing this, she points out how easy it is to mislead a man into thinking women don’t fake orgasms and are feeling sexually satisfied. At the end of Sally’s fake display, a woman sitting at another table, staring at Sally’s display of sexual gratification, tells the waiter, who has come to take her order, “I’ll have what she’s having!” and we all have a good laugh.

It’s said that at one time or another, every woman has faked an orgasm and now this even includes Lady Liberty. Right now, Lady Liberty is faking an orgasm at the table and the world is watching her fake it just like Sally did… and we all either, wonder what is happening or simply believe she is actually being sexually satisfied instead of faking it. She’s doing this in order to provide you with fake self-esteem trying to revive American confidence in our economy and global dominance…

Lady Liberty is 10 years into her “economic expansion.” She’s trying to sound and look satisfied because her stock market has enjoyed a fake 10-yr bull market. Unemployment is at record-low levels. Real estate market prices are back above 2008 levels. Wages are rising for the first time in decades. Everything looks as if it should feel and be good. Except it isn’t… because it’s fake wealth and riches.

A lot of this is nothing but a fake financial orgasm to mislead Americans and the world into believing that we are satisfied with the quality of life in the United States. It’s fake satisfaction that is hoping to help Americans feel more confident about its leaders and world performance.

But with:

· Fake news

· Fake elections

· Fake prosperity

· Fake FB profiles

· Fake Wall Street wealth

· Fake markets

· Fake fiat currency

Lady Liberty is simply faking an orgasm. How do we know she is faking it? Let’s take a look. For decades, educated people, who care about this country, have been warning about the abuse done to the dollar and the value of it diminishing. They’ve been warning about a financial reset that will shatter many people who are faking it, and about a system implosion, eventually happening that will rock the world.

The truth is, no matter how much they fake the look of being rich, nobody has ever been rich simply because they have a good credit score
that provides them with a new car, a powerful army, and a big white house… including Lady Liberty. A good credit score simply allows you access to more debt. Debt is fake prosperity.

Lady Liberty has been married to her husband for 231 years. When they were first married, he had a good job and had been wealthy until 1971 when he left the gold standard. However, he never told Lady Liberty and she continued on her shopping spree and has racked up $22 trillion of debt on the world credit card and he has been faking that he’s rich ever since. He never told her that he left his job. Since then, he’s borrowed money from everyone even his grandparent’s retirement fund that they had been paying into all their lives. He’s borrowed so much that he secretly doesn’t know how he is going to pay them back and they are counting on that money they saved.

She just buys whatever she wants not knowing she’s putting it on a credit card and she doesn’t know that she only has fake prosperity because her husband keeps calling in favors from friends and colleagues and they keep lending him more money. The rest of the world is watching Lady Liberty, who appears to be satisfied with having a fake orgasm, and now they want to have what she is having too. This is fake progress! When other countries believe that having fake prosperity creates real prosperity, quality of life and makes you happy and free, we create fake leadership.

Lady Liberty no longer leads the free world because she is faking it. She must snap out of the illusion that we are in a currently functioning system because things, as they are, will cease to work because the debt bubble will burst under its own pressure. It’s a waste of time to try and time this event. What for? What will that do for you? An avalanche of fake will begin seemingly out of nowhere and gain momentum as if it was triggered by something that looks small and insignificant. Enough triggers have fallen, let’s look at one…

Fake Success: Tyler Durden, writer for Futures said, “According to a new report by the Wall Street Journal, a record number, or 83% of US listed IPOs over the first three quarters of 2018, were companies that lost money in the 12 months prior to their going public. According to the WSJ, this is the highest proportion on record dating back to 1980.” Less than 10 of the S&P 500 companies now have positive cash positions.

And we wonder why we have confusion and volatility with all this fake prosperity happening. This leaves me questioning what happens when Lady Liberty finds out that she is only making the interest payment on her credit card and it is $1.5 billion a day. So where is the fake orgasm? Just think about this, with all this “economic growth” for the last 10 years… Lady Liberty is still borrowing money… why? American economic importance in these modern times is fake. It is based on our being the reserve currency.

Jonny Fry from Coinmonks says, “Great Britain’s Sterling held such status as the global reserve currency from 1815 to 1920. Before this it was the French Franc in the Napoleonic period 1720 to 1815 and before that it was the Dutch currency from 1640 to 1720. All these currencies ultimately gave way to a new currency typically after 100 years. The US$ has been the global reserve currency since 1920 i.e. 100 YEARS — nothing lasts forever!”

So what can you do to stop faking it?

First, you have to get real with yourself. You will benefit most by asking yourself, “Am I living a fake prosperity life?

If you are, then ask yourself, “How do I create real prosperity?”

You want to do this now before the emperor finds out he is wearing no clothes.

If you are ready to take the first step from “not faking it”, check out Smart Start Strategies© at

Vickie Helm is a bestselling author, business and asset strategist, and the CEO of Smart Group Firm. She has improved the success of more than a thousand companies and the lives of thousands of individuals throughout her career. You can learn more about Vickie at or

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