5 Ways to Avoid Bankruptcy

in financial •  7 years ago 


Begin the check again, Are you good and right when managing kekuangan. If not, then immediately change the bad habits that are still a routine. Not to worry, here are some ways you can do.

1. Plan your Expenses

Tips: create a financial budget as needed for a month. You can use the previous month's data as a benchmark. If there are unnecessary and excessive expenses, we recommend skipping the list. Make sure budget listings are made more prioritizing needs than others such as mortgage payments, monthly bills, kitchen needs, transportation, and savings. Do it with discipline to make planning expenditure work well.

2. Open a Savings Account

Tips: for those of you who just want to start saving, start with a small nominal amount then increase as needed. Set aside at least 10% of earned income. When you have received a salary, you should immediately separate into a savings account. Do it with discipline so that profits can be felt.


3. Start Investing

Tips: search for information in advance about the investment through the internet or ask directly to relatives and friends who have experienced. Then understand, consider and choose the right investment as needed. Be careful in choosing investment services, do not get the wrong choice because remembering will deposit some money.

4. Choose Credit Card and Loan with Exactly

Tips: should first find out about information about credit and loans ranging from product type, requirements, until its features. Well, you can get all the information in detail at cermati.com. Choose products that fit the needs so that what is desired can be fulfilled.

5. Choose the Lowest Flower

Tips: in order for you to be a good prospective borrower, then do a search for information in advance about all credit products and loans to be filed. Visiting cermati.com is a great way to search, select product comparison and easy application submission online.



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good info gotta make sure your set up and protected from any financial issues going forward
