Is everything really a financial asset?

in financialassets •  last year 

Is Everything Really a Financial Asset? Debunking the Myths

In a world where money and finance play a significant role, the notion that everything can be treated as a financial asset has gained some popularity. From traditional assets like stocks and bonds to unconventional items like cryptocurrencies and even intellectual property, the concept of labeling everything as a financial asset seems to be gaining traction. However, upon closer examination, it becomes clear that not everything can truly be classified as a financial asset. In this article, we will explore the limitations and misconceptions surrounding this idea and shed light on the nature of true financial assets.


Defining Financial Assets:
Before delving into the question at hand, it is crucial to establish a clear understanding of what constitutes a financial asset. Financial assets are instruments or contracts that represent an ownership interest or a claim on real assets or future income streams. They are typically tradable and hold value that can be measured in monetary terms.

The Fallacy of Universal Financial Asset Classification:
While it is true that many tangible and intangible objects can have value and potentially be monetized, not all assets can be accurately classified as financial assets. Let us examine some examples that challenge the notion that everything is a financial asset:

  1. Personal Relationships: Relationships, such as friendships or familial bonds, are undoubtedly valuable in their own right. However, attempting to monetize them would undermine their essence and introduce a transactional dynamic that goes against the intrinsic nature of human connections.

  2. Natural Resources: While natural resources like oil, minerals, or water have inherent value and can be monetized through extraction or sale, they do not fit the definition of financial assets as they are not tradable instruments representing claims on future income.

  3. Artistic Expression: Creative works like paintings, sculptures, or music hold immense value, but their value is often subjective and can be influenced by individual interpretations. While they can be bought and sold, they are more aptly categorized as unique or luxury goods rather than financial assets.


  1. Personal Skills and Talents: Skills and talents, such as singing, dancing, or writing, may hold value in specific contexts, but they are not inherently financial assets. They represent personal abilities that can generate income but are not tradable instruments themselves.

  2. Emotions and Experiences: Emotions, feelings, and personal experiences are deeply meaningful aspects of human existence. Attempting to quantify or treat them as financial assets would oversimplify their complexity and reduce them to mere commodities.

The Role of Financialization:
It is important to note that the idea of classifying everything as a financial asset has gained traction due to the phenomenon of financialization, where various aspects of society are increasingly subjected to financial logic and transformed into tradable instruments. This process has blurred the boundaries between traditional financial assets and other valuable elements of life, leading to the misconception that everything can be treated as a financial asset.


While money and finance play a crucial role in modern society, it is a fallacy to claim that everything can be labeled as a financial asset. Some things, such as personal relationships, natural resources, artistic expression, personal skills, and emotions, hold inherent value but do not fit the definition of financial assets. It is important to recognize and appreciate the diversity of value in our lives beyond mere financial terms. By understanding the limitations of the financial asset classification, we can foster a more holistic perspective on wealth and its various forms.

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