Welcome Money Wise Alpha in training!
Me and Bitcoin!
Thank you for visiting our blog site! Here are the 3 main areas with sub-topics that we will present:
- Financial Literacy
- Investing
- Trading
- Achieving Financial Freedom
- Monetary Wisdom
- Disruptive Technologies
- Cryptocurrencies
- Geo Politics
- Becoming An Entrepreneur
- Health & Wellness
- Social Dominance
- Spiritual & Energy Maintenance
We envision to make this blog a discussion and welcome our readers to contribute on possible sub-topics that they would like us write about! In addition, we will publish a series of books on the above topics! We can all grow and collaborate with one another to become more Alpha!
Christian John Sales
Money Wise Alpha’s Lead Blog Writer
Please follow my other social media channels:
Website: http://moneywisealpha.com/
Book Site: http://btcmoneytop20.com
Blog Site 1: https://medium.com/money-wise-alpha
Blog Site 2: https://www.publish0x.com/money-wise-alpha/
Blog Site 3: https://steemit.com/@moneywisealpha
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