Finish the Story Contest - Week #44!

in finishthestory •  6 years ago 

tortillas_de_pelo low_res.png

Artwork by the wondrous Simone Nork Denti

A contest with a pot of 10 STEEM + 4 @steembasicincome shares? You're in the right place!

204 @steembasicincome shares awarded till now, plus 22.558 SBD and 93 STEEM, through the contest in 43 weeks!

What awaits within the Bananafish treasure chest?

1st place: n. 5 STEEM

2nd place: n. 3 STEEM

3rd place: n. 2 STEEM

popular vote: n. 2 steembasicincome share (remember to vote your favorite!)

Best comment to the stories: n. 2 steembasicincome shares

Welcome writers, wayfarers and worshipers of wonder! It's @Brisby here with the honor of providing this week's fare to whet your fiction appetites. I'm taking another turn at the helm with a curious antique map to peruse while you all work your written magic! Where's our prophet of the realms, you ask? Our @F3nix is currently en route to the Island of the Golden Nut in his quest to discover the world's most delicious banana bread.

Speaking of latest quests... what's that bananafishious banner up there? Could that dude, who's playing the drum, be Tio Billy from the renowned Tortillas de Pelo punk-rock band?? But of course, the new contest "Quest in the Realms" is taking shape! Sharpen your pens, beloved potassium appreciators, since something never seen on Steemit is coming this month for you right from the K-deity creative mind. The Quest in the Realms will reward a brave adventurer with a 30 STEEM PRIZE. It's an original format that will throw you in a multiple endings story and - at the same time - in a treasure hunt among the Realms. All the Bananafish Knights are scribbling like sloths under LSD to deliver you a unique and rewarding experience with more than 50 episodes and 10 different endings. Stay tuned!

This week's tale has been given to us from that wizard of the words, @marcoriccardi. A talented haijin who runs the Mizu No Oto contest, Marco's writing style delivers vivid settings and details within his evocative stories. His provision for us this week is brimming with possibility and I've no doubt that you are all ready for the challenge!

Good luck, brave storytellers!

Map of the Bananafish Realms from a piratey perspective!

  • Tell a friend about the contest!

  • Join the Bananafish Realms discord chat for fresh updates and other amenities.

  • Vote, vote, vote your favorite story in the comments!

  • Use the #finishthestory tag.

  • Try to post your story the earliest possible and not at the last moment (or after the results! argh!)

  • Respect the dreadful 500 words limit! o_0

  • Help our contest & workshop to grow by giving it some visibility.

    And now.. let's dive into the story!


The story of Mr. Renhe Ren

by @marcoriccardi

It is said that Mr. Renhe Ren, of Daochu village, in the province of Quan Shijie, in his forty-second year of life, was seized by a great rage because of his long-standing enemy, who was constantly working to hinder and ruin any of his activities and projects. Faced with the umpteenth abuse, Mr. Renhe Ren felt that his harmony and self-control were going to be lost. He was no longer able to feel the noble sentiments worthy of a superior man.

Then he remembered the words of the wise man. "Sit down along the river bank and wait, sooner or later you will see the corpse of your enemy pass". So, he left the village of Daochu and went down to the river. He found a willow with a wide foliage that bent gently over the water, and sat down in his shadow, determined to wait until the wisdom of the ancestors had brought a solution to his problem.

He awaited for days and nights, meditating. Sun, rain, wind and fog alternated tormenting him, but neither the heat, nor the cold, nor the humidity, nor the insects distracted him from his waiting. Time passed, until one day in late autumn, the stream swollen for the rains brought a corpse to its feet, face down. Mr. Renhe Ren shook himself from his meditation and leaned towards the muddy water, his heart finally calm.

Great was his surprise when he saw…


Let’s grow together!

The wise potassium kami Bananafish wants all of its beloved people to benefit from rich upvotes. For this reason, knowing that unity is strength, it asks for SP delegations and for numerous commitments to the voting trail.

Following the voting trail is a way to make sure you always support the other participants to the Bananafish contests, automatically upvoting the posts (but not the comments) @bananafish upvotes. @foffelius, @steelochlaver, @f3nix, @marcoriccardi, @anixio, @gwilberiol, @brisby, @calluna, @ntowl, @dirge, @iamthegray, @seesladen, @theironfelix, @letalis-laetitia, @vdux are already in the trail.

If you’re interested, here you can find all the information needed.


Join the fun! Here is how this contest works:

  • An unfinished fiction story or a script is posted.

  • You finish it with your own post or a comment in the comment section. A limit of 500 words is recommended.

  • WIN 10 STEEM + 4 @steembasicincome shares to the writers with the best endings and comments.

The results will be out on Wednesday - January 30th, 14:00 PM GMT+7 avg. (U.S. West Coast time zone). Submission deadline: Tuesday - January 29th, 14:00 PM GMT+7 (U.S. West Coast time zone). You may vote your favorite story till the results are out!

A special thanks to @gwilberiol, @dirge, @tristancarax, @theironfelix, @raj808, @brisby, @maverickinvictus, @cyemela, @marcoriccardi, @calluna, @oivas, @anixio, @ntowl for their precious delegations, making this project a reality! If you like this contest..SPREAD THE GOSPEL! We're grateful for your resteeming and word of mouth. Everything helps to grow together!



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Sheer beauty, Marco. I cannot tell you how the style of the narration gripped me. A gem. The story is classic in form and theme.

I'm going to torment you now and suggest more work. Whatever we write, you finish it on your own, and please share that.

Meanwhile, you have to wait for my upvote. As usual, I've been voting with abandon. No thrifty impulse (except when I'm writing) lasts long in my heart :)

Thank you very much! The truth is you're too kind... I'm trying to experiment a bit with different genres, now I'm on a fable with animals, like those by Aesop.
I already finished this one on my own, but actually it's a couple of lines more than what it's in the prompt. I have difficulty in writing long texts, in general the brevity is in my favor.

😊 I agree completely with your thoughts to Marco's story!

Your struggles with voting power is one that I share as well. It's hard to hold back a vote when there's so many fantastic posts! Have a wonderful day and keep warm, Agmoore!

Thanks, Sarez! Happy to have you along as always!

Vote your favorite story here!

There have just been a wealth of amazing entries this week, and it was pretty much between everyone, it was just so hard to decide, and there was so much depth, and wisdom, in so many of these tales. I could go on even more about the merits of so many as my fellow chases of the yellow-finned greatness really outdid themselves this week, but cutting to the chase, voting for @theironfelix

There are so many wonderful entries--hats off to Marco for laying the foundation. I think this week I will go with @amirani. His was the first I read, and in a way I think he helped to inspire my thinking. It was an ending with such clarity and insight.
But, good luck to all... those who used poetry to help the story to soar, and those who used a sense of eternal justice. Everybody is a winner this week.

I'm throw my cast out for I had fun with that one.

Ok, just finished reading and almost forgot to vote!

I vote for @agmoore most definitely! Because "atonement" was the first thing that came to my mind when I read this ending, and it has been a really important term for me this week!

I will vote for @amirani. Great story.

I can not choose. They are all excellent!
I have a weakness for stories that end well, or in which at least there is a final illumination.
In this sense, I think my favorites can be @amirani, @agmoore, @stever82, @sarez (the most original!)
But... @cyemela and @theironfelix went further, using poetry with mastery to describe the inner struggle of the protagonist, and his self-analysis process, the killing, metaphorical or real, of the part of himself that constituted the enemy. Between the two, the most titanic and majestic work is that of @theironfelix, and for this reason my vote goes to him.

@amirani's ending, I think. Brief and poignant.

I gave it a try, I hope this is what you asked for. My Internet connection is very slow so it will be hard to read and respond Thanks for the challenge.

Posted using Partiko Android

Well done. Don't worry and enjoy the ride with us! We're happy to have you writing in the Bananafish realms! 😁

giphy (9).gif

Thank you, I am happy I understand the story plus the name remind me of someone

Posted using Partiko Android

Not too late and just the right amount of awesome. Thanks, Tristan!

Awesome! Thanks, Felt.Buzz!

Thank you poisson de banane !

Posted using Partiko Android

Early bird gets the first kill, the mouse gets the second dibs.

Here be me entry for this contest 'ere
Flyin' by!.gif

None shall challenge the clever mouse with the power of dibs!

The Mouse when it doesn’t get second dibs thanks to the early bird:


Someone, anyone, please write a prompt between a dang bird and a mouse. I don't care if I have to write it in sonnet form, I want to see this now where a mouse battles a bird over dibs and food!

I knew the "end" of this story, for me, the moment I read Marco's "beginning". I just had to find a way to express my idea. Really nice exercise this week.
The Road Home

Thank you!! Your enthusiasm is wonderfully infectious! 🤗

Hi guys, I hope my story meets the criteria. I wish everyone luck in the contest.

Thanks, Stormlight24! You gave us a great story, thank you! We're pretty easygoing here. You only need to enjoy yourself in finishing the story and try to keep around 500 words in length, both of which you did with flying colors (hope that you had fun when writing your ending 😁)!

I had pretty much fun :D

Fantastic! Thanks, Gaby!

Sweet! Thanks, Cyemela!

Thanks, Stever. Glad that you enjoyed yourself and played with us again!

I love that

Posted using Partiko iOS


I have sat down on the river bank and this ending floated by. I know! It must be a sign! 😮

Wahh here's the proud Master Gwilberiol! Answer on the DM please, we need your super powers! 😁

A great pot of stories already this week, a lot of different morals painting between these few beautiful wise words <3

Had a lot of fun thinking about this one, and can't wait to see what else we get.

I only have a short one for you this time, really enjoyed working with the fable vibe:

Thank you, Calluna! So happy that you had fun with the story! The tribe really seems to enjoy this week's offering and the awesome submissions show it.

Hey everyone! I'm back :D I adored this week's prompt and it really inspired me! Thanks a lot, @marcoriccardi

Here's my entry :}

..And Amirani swings in to take first blood for this edition!!!

Thanks for playing again, Vasigo! Grammarly is quite useful and is one of my go to's when writing.

You intro is very comical, @brisby.

Aww! Thank you!

If I gave you a laugh, then I'm a very happy squirrel!

Yes, thank you @brisby for your stainless humor!

Great, now I shall write this entire story as a multi-chained haiku one like I did with the @bananafish anthem.


What an excellent idea, Felix!

Bcuz this gif be too cute to nae save.gif
