RE: #finishthestory Week 35!

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#finishthestory Week 35!

in finishthestory •  6 years ago 

Divide and conquer, as Sun Tzu would say a long time ago.
Nothing like creating discord within your enemies; While they face each other, you take advantage and surprise the weakened winner.

good short story.


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Exactly! The real winners here are the hunters, who got their bounty at a low price, thanks to their smart antics... Or did they? Because co-author @theironfelix has a different opinion on it! And I do, too. If you read the marvelous @dirge contribution you will find that those savyy ol' pirates often got more than one trick up their sleeves...

Thanks for reading!

Damn, I didn't expect that, I suppose it's because of things like that that she's the captain and not the now defunct Wither.

Thanks for warning, I would have missed it if it weren't for your comment