Fire season gets a second wind.

in fire •  7 years ago 

Fire season on the Highveld of South Africa basically starts when grass is dry enough to burn, that's in June/July.

In August it gets a second wind, so to speak, as the August winds begin to blow. In August we typically have strong winds associated with the seasonal adjustment in the various pressure cells around Southern Africa. These air pressure cells start to migrate to their summer pattern positions as the inter tropical convergent zone moves southwards. This results in strong winds across the higher altitude highveld which lead to minor fires becoming major run away catastrophies.

Yesterday there was a fire to the east of us. It was fueled by a strong wind and must have hit a grove of blue gum trees. They have flammable eucalyptus oil in their leaves and this produces black smoke. At one stage the smoke was so thick and dark that it was blocking out the sun and so the fire appeared much closer than it actually was.

After raising the alarm etc. we soon discovered it was not just a couple of hundred meters away but over 5 km away and there were plenty of natural fire breaks in between.

Today we had fires to the North and West. The one to the north was only about 2 km away, as the crow flies, in a game farm. They seemed to get it under control towards evening. The one to the north was still going by the time it was dark.

Darkness falling usually helps since the winds generally die down at night.

The fires gradually petering out at night do make for some lovely photographs.

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Be safe!...:)...

just happened ! fires hit the savanna forest on Komodo Island, Indonesia

its bad in California to

Wild fires are lovely at night when they're dying. Beauty in disasters

@gavvet Inspiring to see how you see beauty in a somewhat would-be disaster :)

Makes me think of what is going on in California at the moment, and how lucky we are not to have yet experienced such devastation.

The other day I wanted to show a very typical veld fire to my 1 year old son, but retracted due to the winds driving the smoke towards us. I remember that as a child I used to love the veld fires and would walk around the burnt gras polletjies (grass knots) for hours scraping out melted plastic artifacts and churned koffiehuis cans.

You did make good use of the situation by taking pics, sharing the moment and enriching the Steemit community

Proudly South African

Go and you are excellent trend post greetings and my respect my vote.

oh man be save! :)

Yikes! 2 km away is pretty scary. Stay safe!

Your 🔥 fire photography is the best and natural moment thanks for sharing this post

ba khub sundar hayeche

Were there casualties? That bad news is similar to what happened last time you told us that several people died because of the fire, I hope they recover from that!

Hi there, I just got on steemit, I’m gonna need your follow and your upvotes, and I’m gonna do the same...

Like said, stay away from the fire and help others.

fire is very dangerous so be safe..