I have guns and I will use them if I have to

in firearms •  3 years ago 

There isn't a lot I like about government but one of the things that I do like, at least about the state that I live in the USA is that my state of North Carolina has very workable gun laws. In an ideal world, I wouldn't need a permit at all to get a gun I could just get one if I wanted to the same way I could get a cheeseburger if I want to. This might sound crazy to people that think that guns kill people, but I am definitely not in that camp. I know it is cliche at this point but people kill people, not guns.


I live in a like-minded community here in North Carolina and our county has one of the highest gun-ownership rates in the state and also other than Texas and Montana, probably some of the highest gun ownership rates in the country. Of course we are not factoring in places like Chicago and D.C. where it is almost impossible to get guns but that really doesn't stop criminals from getting them any more than drug laws prevent people from getting meth.

In the meantime, and as I have said many times before; my community has some of the lowest property crime rates in the country and we also have a really low crime rate in general. Stores don't get robbed here and looting and targeting of households with some Antifa horseshit, you can forget about that happening here. It wouldn't and we don't even need the police for this sort of thing.

I live in a sparsely populated "suburb" of sorts and while I do not know every single person in my neighborhood, I do know that almost everyone is armed. A great many of the people that I see on a regular basis are open or concealed carrying at all times and I am one of them. I believe that this is a big part of the reason why my community is never targeted for petty or even more serious crimes. Think about it for a minute, if you are a criminal shopping around for houses to break into or cars to steal, are you going to consider an area that is well-known for having an above 50% gun-ownership rate?

It's worth noting that North Carolina also has "Castle Doctrine" which gives me the legal right to use lethal force to protect my property including my vehicle. You gonna randomly try to carjack in a community with a high gun ownership rate where the population is allowed to shoot to kill if you are trying to steal their car?


We also have "stand your ground" laws which mean I don't even need to be in my house or car to use deadly force to stop a violent situation, even if it doesn't directly involve me.

This might seem like the wild wild west to people unfamiliar with firearms or "gun-safety" but it is actually extremely effective. There is virtually no crime in our part of the state because no criminal is crazy enough to ever try to target our area when the population is armed, educated, and allowed to kill you if you threaten them.

Some might assume that people are just popping off shots left and right because of these very widespread rules but they couldn't be more wrong. I haven't ever seen anyone even brandish a firearm in my entire life and if you don't know what "brandish a firearm" means it is when someone pulls a gun with the intention of causing deadly harm. It is also worth noting that if you are an educated gun-owner you already know that the only time you should EVER brandish a firearm is if you are willing, capable, and prepared to destroy what you are aiming it at. If you can't say yes to this, don't pull it. A gun is not a toy or a way to impose your will on others and even though my state has easy gun laws, there are extremely severe consequences for violating these rules, that is if you even make it that far. Given the high level of gun ownership in my area, there is a really good chance that the ruling will be made against your corpse.

It isn't necessary where I live for anyone to brandish a firearm because everyone is strapped. If someone tried to come into New Bern to rob Wal-Mart they would definitely not make it to the parking lot alive. So if guns are the problem, why is it that we have virtually no crime here? I mean honestly, the only crime that really exists is really petty shit like kids vandalizing things from time to time.

I live in a community that you might have heard about from the days of yore where people don't need to lock their doors at their home. Yes! Places like this actually do still exist! I believe that it is actually because, not in spite of, the fact that we have such high gun ownership rates here.

I believe that most people are decent and that most people don't actually want to hurt anyone else. It's the 15% that do want to cause harm that make the world such a terrible place in certain areas and the only way to stop these people is for them to be aware that their life is in danger should they bring that attitude to our community.


Call me a gun nut if you want to.... I honestly don't care because the results and peace that I have seen in my entire life living here is all the proof I need to know that responsible gun ownership actually does work. I think that people that believe otherwise have simply never been exposed to a situation like the one I have spent my entire life in.

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