My first post

in first •  7 years ago  (edited)

Hello, community!

I am happy to be apart of this group and will happily vent my thoughts out on my blog.
But firstly, I think I need to tell a bit about myself.

My name is Paulius, I am a twelve former finishing school this year. Actually, just 7 hours back I was sitting in class finishing my English exam. Keeping my spirits up and trying to tell myself and others that it is not the of the world, if you fail or write it poorly. These are the times that we have to learn from. Either our work will pay off, or we'll see that we didn't put enough off it. Going away from schoolwork, I also help my mom with her small business. She makes handmade crafts and jewelry, with time I learned to make them myself. It has a big impact on my life. Because my mother gave me the possibility to feel the struggle, to help her, to take part in it (I'll write about it in another blog) I feel more ready to be on my own, to take care of myself and others. I really appreciate her, she is the most precious person in the world.

This summer for me will be a hell of a journey. I'll be working most of the time, but there is a positive side to it. I'll travel around my native country Lithuania and see smaller cities, country side and, of course, spend of time by the Baltic sea. Besides that, this summer I'll have to choose to which university I want to go and what do I want to study. I do not want to make a mistake by picking something, because others say those studies have a better upside and guarantee me a 9 to 5 job. I am not looking for that. I want something that I'll enjoy doing.

For now, I think that's enough information about my life to get to know me just a bit.

Again, happy to be apart of this community. Never tried writing about myself, but I guess that's therapeutic in a way. Hope you liked it and will follow my journey!

Have a nice day!

Paulius (but you can call me Paul)

P. S. Here is a picture that I took edited. It was taken from the Gediminas castle in Vilnius, Lithuania.


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Really inspirational post. Welcome to steemit:)

nice to see you here! Good luck!

Welcome to steemit.