SLC21/WK5: Choking and Airway Obstruction: A Complete Guide to Life-Saving First Aid Techniques

in firstaid-s21w5 •  3 months ago  (edited)

Yellow and Green World First Aid Day Instagram Story_20241127_155331_0000.png

Q1: Describe in detail the mechanism of choking. What happens physiologically when the airway is obstructed? List and explain the distinctive features or signs of choking, including how to differentiate between partial and complete obstruction.

choking mechanisms and their physiological processes

  • Choking occurs when a foreign object or food enters the airway and blocks the flow of air to the lungs. This mechanism begins when an object or particle becomes trapped in the throat or upper respiratory tract. The obstruction can cause difficulty in breathing and air circulation, depending on the level of blockage.

  • Physiologically, the body has a protective mechanism called the cough reflex which is designed to remove foreign objects from the airways. When an object enters the airways and blocks the airway, the body will respond by coughing hard to try to dislodge the object. If coughing is unsuccessful, our body will try to adjust by increasing the frequency of breathing or breathing rapidly. In cases of complete blockage, our body will have difficulty breathing, which can lead to decreased oxygen levels in the blood and impaired organ function.

characteristics or signs of choking

  • difficulty breathing
    A person who is choking will have difficulty breathing, seen with rapid, shallow or even gasping breaths. In a complete blockage, breathing may stop altogether.

  • the second is a hard cough.
    the cough reflex is the body's first attempt to expel a foreign object from the airway. if someone is choking, they will tend to cough hard in hopes of expelling the object.

  • panic and difficulty speaking and sufferers often panic and cannot speak due to difficulty breathing. in many cases, they may try to call for help by gesturing or pointing to their throat

  • Pale or bluish skin color, if the airway is blocked for a long time and the flow of oxygen is disrupted, the sufferer's skin or lips can change color to pale or bluish (cyonosis) due to decreased oxygen levels in our bodies.

Differentiate Between partial and total blockage

  • partial obstruction, in partial obstruction part of the entire airway is still open, allowing air to enter. The sufferer may cough or have difficulty breathing, but is still able to make sounds or speak. and common features include coughing, disturbed breath sounds, and rapid breathing.

  • total obstruction, the airway is completely blocked and the sufferer cannot breathe or speak at all. they often show symptoms of panic and no sound can be made because air cannot enter the lungs. if we are not treated immediately, total obstruction can cause loss of consciousness and can even cause death.

  • urgent care.
    if partial obstruction occurs, encourage the patient to cough and provide respiratory support if necessary. in complete obstruction, immediate measures such as the Heimlich technique (abdominal thrust maneuver) or back blows can help to displace the foreign object and open the airway.



The images I share are only for guidance and should not be copied by minors.

Q2: Demonstrate the Heimlich maneuver on a sibling, child, or peer (using safe simulations). Attach pictures of the demonstration and explain the procedure in detail, highlighting key points such as positioning, technique, and safety precautions..

Heimlich maneuver: procedure and explanation I can give

  • Heimlich maneuver is a first aid technique to overcome choking due to total airway obstruction. This technique uses abdominal thrusts to create enough air pressure to dislodge a foreign object from the airway.

  • Identify choking conditions, make sure the victim is really experiencing total blockage. The signs are not being able to speak, cough or breathe and accompanied by movements of the neck.

  • correct position, stand behind the victim, support his body if he looks weak or almost faint.

  • hand placement, clench one hand and place it right above the victim's nape. The other hand holds the head tightly to apply pressure.

  • push technique and do a quick push in and up (like forming the letter "j"). repeat until the foreign object comes out or the victim starts breathing normally.


Q3: Consider a situation where you encounter a conscious person choking on food. They are showing signs of cyanosis and restricted breathing.

when you find someone who is still conscious and choking on food, immediately make sure that they are really experiencing a blockage of the airway. signs such as holding the neck, difficulty speaking, shortness of breath and skin that is starting to turn blue (cyanosis) indicate a total blockage. and here are the steps we need to take.

  • Stay calm and make sure the situation is safe. Reassure the victim that and tell them that we will help. Ask someone else to call for medical help if the situation gets worse.

  • encourage the victim to cough, if the victim can still cough and let them expel the foreign object by coughing hard. do not immediately take physical action.

  • If coughing is ineffective, stand behind the victim. Make a fist and place it above the victim's navel, then push in and up quickly (like a "j" shape). Repeat until the foreign object comes out or the victim begins to breathe normally.

  • monitor the victim's condition, and after the airway is open, make sure the victim can breathe smoothly. if the foreign object does not come out and immediately contact medical personnel and continue assistance efforts.

Q4: Create an infographic (visual illustration) on managing choking emergencies.
  • partial obstruction: encourage the victim to cough as hard as possible to dislodge the foreign object. do not give back slaps as this can worsen the obstruction. complete obstruction: if the victim is unable to breathe or speak, immediately perform the Heimlich maneuver. stand behind the victim, make a fist and place it above the navel, press inward and upward quickly. repeat until the foreign object is dislodged. if the victim loses consciousness, perform CPR while waiting for medical help. immediately call emergency services for professional help.

That's all I can share in this contest edition and thank you for the invitation to brother @aril.hatake. and also invite other steemians to be willing to attend this contest edition @patjewell, @marito74 and @emsonic good luck to all of us.

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Best regard @fajrulakmal99

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Student Name: @fajrulakmal99
Overall grade: 5
Plagiarism Check: Pass
AI Use: No

QuestionWhat the Student Did WellAreas for ImprovementGrading
Question 1Provided what are the changes in a body that causes partial airway obstruction compared to complete airway obstruction. Good work.A few details are missing such as some people have allergies to some food items. Also the information of the respiratory tract and the food obstruction in other than the esophagus would have been nice. The mention of universal choking sign is missing.This information would have been nice.[Grade: 2]
Question 2Outlined the approach of performing a Heimlich maneuver.You didn't mention the number of thrusts. You have some clear shortcomings in this question. Reread it and you'll find them. You've written 'head' instead of 'hand.' You didn't demonstrate the Heimlich maneuver which was an important part of the question.[Grade: 1.2]
Question 3Listed the steps of managing an emergency choking scenario.You pick one person from the bystanders and authorize him/her to call the ambulance. You also haven't mentioned how to remove the obstruction if the patient has foreign object stuck in this throat. You didn't mention what to do if the person gets unconscious. The information about CPR is missing .[Grade: 1.8]
Question 4The student failed to present an infographic. Infographics in the medicine field serve as important tool for having access to more information in a single place. These are typically necessary to have as a first aider.[Grade: 0]

General Feedback: The student has shown an average nderstanding of this week's course. There were a few shortcomings which I'm sure will be avoided in the upcoming posts.
Thank you.


Please remove the #teachingteam tag - that is for applications for the next season of the Learning Challenge.

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