RE: SLC21/WK6: Understanding Burns: Types, Causes, and First Aid Responses "

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SLC21/WK6: Understanding Burns: Types, Causes, and First Aid Responses "

in firstaid-s21w6 •  3 months ago 

Student Name: @artist1111
Overall grade: 9
Plagiarism Check: Pass
AI Use: no

QuestionWhat the Student Did WellAreas for ImprovementGrading
Question 1Provided the course of action in this specific situation. Good workthough the explanation was detailed there are still a few points missing such as always prioritize your own safety first. Also, keep in check the signs of shock. Kids tend to be more prone to these sort of trauma which can lead to a sudden shock.[Grade: 1.8]
Question 2the student listed down the course of action for an electrical burn.You need to prioritize your own safety in such situations and wear rubber gloves.[Grade: 1.9]
Question 3Listed the steps of managing an emergency chemical burning scenario.The problem in the first aid was not flushing the burn site for a longer period of time. Though neutralization of the acid is an important step but not everyone has the information of specific acid and their neutralizing agents. Our best bet is to flush the area with copious amounts of lukewarm water for more than 10-15 minutes. Since its a chemical burn, gloves and PPEs are really essential and there's no mention of PPEs in your answer.[Grade: 1.8]
Question 4The student managed to present their logic in choosing the answer.The ethics as well as the Triage dictate that the patient with a 2nd degree burn should be treated first as the patient with a third degree burn has his nerves damaged so currently he is not in severe pain whereas the patient with a 2nd degree burn might be going through excruciating pain and if not attended immediately would be left with grave consequences. I'll give my reasoning in the general feedback[Grade: 1.5]
Question 5the student managed to present an infographic. Infographics in the medicine field serve as important tool for having access to more information in a single place. These are typically necessary to have as a first aider.[Grade: 2]

General Feedback: The student has shown a good understanding of this week's course. There were a few shortcomings which I'm sure will be avoided in the upcoming posts.
Thank you.

It's always nice to read a good article from a fellow countryman. This gives me joy and hope, realizing that we still have high-quality bloggers on Steemit from Pakistan. Now, coming to your question:

Though Person A, who has third-degree burns, needs more attention than Person B, who has second-degree burns, we have to consider the following:

  • The situation

  • The environment

  • The consequences

Person A, with third-degree burns, will likely require surgery, possibly a skin graft, which cannot be performed in a rural area. Since they are calm, their condition can be managed momentarily.

On the other hand, Person B, with second-degree burns, is experiencing excruciating pain and deserves immediate medical intervention. If this is not provided, it could result in serious complications. According to the Law of Beneficence, priority should be given to the patient who can benefit the most from immediate attention. In such an environment, there isn’t much you can do for the person with third-degree burns, is there?

I hope that clarifies the situation.


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"Thanks, dear, for your detailed feedback and kind words! You’re right—Triage is tricky but so crucial. I’ll sharpen my PPE game and rethink ethical priorities. JazakAllah!"