Why Is Google Being Evil? 2018 Cannabis Censorship

in firstamendment •  6 years ago 


May 3rd 2018 - We are seeing the largest purge of civilian content of cannabis related topics across YouTube as Google continues it's heavy-handed approach to hosting videos and activating ad-revenue for topics it deems inappropriate.

Jorge Cervantes, DinaFem, Marc Emery are all well known names that are part of a larger pool of global civilians who have been earning ad revenue from their proprietized video content channels having to do with one or more aspects of cannabis that have been purged completely from YouTube. Individual videos, as well as whole channels have been removed abruptly from Google Servers and there is no formalized way to petition for a redress of grievances, leaving many channels nothing but a choice to go to the airwaves to petition publicly for unfair treatment.

Alternative Theorists were the first to be purged from YouTube Last fall as well as this spring as YT went through several waves of purges having to do with content related to ongoing investigations that the FBI is carrying on in relation to Nevada and Florida. Second were the weapons and firearms enthusiasts who saw their channels become abruptly censored and removed with no warning. Channels containing review, live demonstrations of shooting, and content related to product comparisons were scrubbed from Google Servers. Lastly, is cannabis, having so many ancillary subjects and historical contextual topics that it is almost impossible to "PURGE EVERYTHING" related to cannabis as cannabis is a part of history, farming, ethnobotany, ethnopsychology, and many other cultural subjects. Cannabis is far more difficult to purge from the ecosystem because it's such a vast and historical subject.

In America, our literal rights, and Constitution is at risk of being discarded completely and religion, group think of political correctness, and tyrant-led subjugation of our personal liberties is being construed right in front of our eyes. Our Executive Officer flexes his 1st Amendment right every time he uses Twitter, but doesn't have the voracity nor upstanding backbone to advocate for free speech for everyone and put a stop to the Google conflagration of liberty.

Video is one of the most visceral forms of communication, one of the most direct forms of communication that we have as humans at our disposal today. As an art form it allows us to convey many layers of emotion and information at once, and can integrate aspects of color and sound to enrich the experience of communication beyond anything we can do with just photos or sound alone. YouTube needs to regard our rights as inalienable, bestowed to us from GOD and not up for abridging. YouTube needs to respect the damage they are doing to human evolution when they censor something so integrally important to the human species.

.........Is the perfect time to begin standing up for your rights and boycotting consumer goods and services that are excess to your needs until pressure can be brought to bear on the revenue streams of monolith corporations such as Google.

I'm waiting on Vimeo for a response to my inquiry regarding their policy going forward. Lets See What They Say. I have a "clandestine cannabis video" that could change the conversation forever. The plant is a medicine and a teacher to humans....




CANNABIS CITIZEN PUBLIC FORUM HOME: https://vimeo.com/user63778297

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