The First Post

in firstpost •  8 years ago  (edited)

Hello Steemers!
This is my very first post, and it's good to be here, this fantastic new world. :)
Currently I'm in account management of an advertising company.
My posts won't be limited to subjects, and hope you great steemers would like them.
Keep Steeming!

첫 포스트를 작성하려니 두근거리네요.
다양한 분들과 다양한 생각을 공유하길 바라고있어요!
새로운 steemer의 첫 시작을 도와주세요. :)

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Welcome to steemit :D

Welcome to Steem @beckoned I have upvoted and sent you a tip

Thanks for the very first reply!

뉴비는 언제나 환영!이에요.
팁! : esteem모바일 앱은 개발자가 수수료를 5% 떼간다고 하네요.
2.98% 보팅
현재 보상량 : [ 평균 - 0.11 / 1개 / 합계 : 0.11 ]

  • kr-newbie 보안관 봇! (beta 0.5.0 - 2017/07/17)

I have no bunghole!