Evening Thoughts of a Q Reader Continued....FISA=BOOM

in fisa •  7 years ago 

One Bad FISA App is a question mark?  Two Bad FISA Apps are a Problem?  Three Bad FISA Apps are a Pattern? Four Bad FISA Apps are a Conspiracy.  We are here now.  When will Trump declassify the redacted Apps?  This week?  Times a ticking and a tocking.

The latest Q Post with the 4x booms has been discussed and I agree with those who say that the FISA Apps are going to get declassified by POTUS.  I have said before that a good Q proof would be Trump declassifying at 4:01am and Q posting them at 4:02am.

But back to where this began.  Clinton wanted to run against Trump out of all of the GOP candidates.  How do we know?  The media gave Trump 100 times the coverage of the other 16 candidates.  Mostly positive too.  Until he won the nomination. Click!

After the nomination, 92 percent negative coverage.  Did the Democrats manage Romney the same way in 2012?  Go back and look.  There is an argument for it.  If the tactic works, why stop it?  Proof Main Stream Media is a tool of the Deep State Democrats.

The Counter Intellegence Operations against Trump started in 2015.  There were no other such investigations against any other GOP candidate.  Proof that Clinton wanted Trump to be her opponent.  Think about what this all means in GOP primaries?

With talk on FISA I have a few observations.  It seems that we may have a little corruption in our FISA Courts.  Strzok and Paige texts indicate a relationship with certain FISA judges.  The Apps themselves look laughable from what we know.

Next we have the Steele Dossier from Steele himself.  The MI6 spy who must have let his "ex" UK bosses know what he was up to.  Who is indicted here?  Fusion GPS who hired him and Clinton for paying for it.  Either way this is the original "source."

Who did Steele use for his information collection? "Ex" Russian spies?  Are spies ever really retired?  Does this mean Russia may have had information about this?  Probably just keeping a toe in the water to test the temperature.  Or Not.

Rumors of Mc*ain's involvement on the Apps would be what?  Was he being used as a second source of this "same" dossier?  Probably.  Willing or Dupe?  Both? Probably.  Who does that indict?  Brennan, who got a heads up on the info to Mc*ain.

So far we have at least two foreign intellegence agencies at least "in the know."  Our own C_A with Brennan running this operation for the White House.  He has at least two "Ex" C_A folks working on the inside of D_J on this project as well.  Scary.

Strzok is rumored to be ex C_A attatched clandestingly to D_J by C_A.  Then we have #4 at D_J's Bruce Ohr's wife Nellie working at Fusion GPS, a company founded by ex C_A employees with C_A start-up money.  C_A essentially outsourcing to themselves.

A third "source" for the Dossier information was created when C_A Brennan, D_I Clapper, and Senator Mc*ain leak Dossier info to their MSM flunkies.  All of this to bolster the FAKE FISA Apps.  But also to try to smear Trump during the election.

Interestingly, Hillary Clinton kept telling folks about this secret information against Trump that was going to defeat him in November, eventually giving details.  Yet she refused to admit paying for it until it was proved much later.  Honestly?

The problem with the Dossier was that the information contained was unbelievable and unverified.  The "sources" where going into hiding where they remain to this day. The way to get it published by "Buzzfeed" only happened too late.

Now when the election puts Trump in office, there is a panic. F_I fires Steele, who they were paying for at least 11 months. What? Eleven payments to Steele on record. Steele getting paid by HRC through Fusion GPS as well. Good gig if you can get it.

Obama gets in gear with several EO's that allow unmasking and sharing of information among a larger group of people in government.  But leaking dirt on the incoming Trump Administration is the purpose.  Corrupt.  And to aid the cover-up.  Criminal.

Meanwhile the "Insurance" operation kicks in.  Counter intelligence investigations must continue against Trump by our coup plotters at D_J and C_A with direction from the Whitehouse through D_I. How do we know Obama was "in the know" and involved?

Paige and Strzok texts talk about it.  S.Rice put this information in a CYA memo to herself on the last day of the administration.  And Clapper told us so on CNN.

Rats jumping from a sinking ship. What additional information do we get with FISA?

Since these FISA warrants need renewed every 3 months, Christopher Steele stays in the mix through Fusion GPS in a back channel through Bruce Ohr.  How do we know?  Over 70 meetings or contacts between Ohr and Steele after he was "fired."

Back to the FISA Judges.  Steele had to be involved throughout all of the FISA applications.  Judicial Watch has asked for the court notes that occurred during these hearings.  They have been told that no notes exist.  CYA for who?

The Judges, if corrupt, benefit by no written record.  John McCain's involvement is shielded as well as any other participant.  Rosenstein who signed off also denies reading the application.  He was "told" orally what was in it.  Stinks for sure.

If I was a FISA Judge, I would ask if the person authorizing the application was properly read into the event.  I would also want a written record of the hearing to protect my decision in history.  Unless I wanted to hide something.  Corrupt.

This is complicated only because the Obama administration was orchestrating a cover-up of their "Illegal" actions against Trump and their Media allies continue the blackout of information to the public.  It is peeling the onion and it stinks.

Who will be wearing orange jumpsuits?  Look for it after the November elections.  But a short list would be Hillary, Bill, Lynch, Comey, McCabe, Brennan, Clapper, Strzok, and Rosenstein.  And this is just the beginning.  "Wait till I get Started!" 

And we did not even discuss the Tarmac meeting with Lynch and Bill Clinton, or re-starting the sham HRC Email server investigation. Note: Hillary was never President. "Lock Her Up!" Unless she takes the Antifa scarf and doorknob route 1st.

Hopefully there are a few "connected" dots for folks in my observation.  Democrats and other deepstaters constantly deny wrongdoing but there is detective work being done that indicates motive, opportunity and means.  Time to ride them down.

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