Bass Fishing Tips

in fishing •  8 years ago 

Bass fishing is one of the greatest and more popular fishing styles out there. This is because of the fact that bass put up a really exciting fight when you reel them in.

As a result, there are many bass fishing tournaments that take place all year round. If you take part in these tournaments then you are going to want to know all the great bass fishing tactics. 

Bait Selection

When starting off with bait selection, it is important to know in your head that there is no single type of bait that is going to work best. This same statement can be said with any type of fishing style out there. Each and every day the fish respond differently to each and every kind of fishing bait there is out there.

This means that experimenting and trying out new things is very important for your success. You are going to have to do this in order to see what type of fishing bait works best for you. When fishing for bass try to experiment with your bait selection in order to see what pulls the fish in more effectively.

If you need more help, or a basic foundation to start with, usually there are three types of lures that work best when fishing for bass. These three lures are spinnerbaits, topwaters, and lipless cranks. These three types of lures tend to work fairly well on almost every occasion.

This will give you a good foundation to start with. Try these three lures out first and then try any other ideas you might have. After you are done experimenting, simply use whatever lure worked best for you.

It’s almost as easy as that. The only difficulty is that you are going to have to have patience when testing out each and every type of fishing bait.

Species of Bass

The next thing that you are going to want to know is the different species of bass. This is really only important if you are focused on just fishing for one type of bass. If you are just fishing for bass in general then this information is not very important. It’s still probably a good idea to read it though and take it all in.

The biggest species of bass out there is the largemouth bass. These are the bass that you will often see anglers holding up on TV. Some of these fish can get really huge and it’s quite a battle to reel one in.

The smallmouth bass is similar to the largemouth except the fact that it is smaller. Many people claim that the smallmouth is easier and better for eating instead of the largemouth because it is much easier to clean.

Bass Catching Techniques

Now I am going to talk about how you can improve your chances of catching bass.

The type of water that you are fishing in is an important factor that you should consider. If you water is fairly clear, then it is a good idea to try out a dark colored lure. You could try using a spinner, or spoon as well.

When it comes to fishing locations, try places where there are lots of Lillie pads and bait fish. Bass fish love to hang out in these areas and if you go there you will be sure to find them. Bass also tend to travel in groups so if you see a few in a certain spot there are probably more there as well.

On a hot day, try looking for rocks or some other places in the water that offer shade. When the water gets hotter out, bass tend to seek cooler waters. This is usually deeper waters of places where shade is offered to the bass.

Hopefully these tips about bass fishing have helped you out!

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Its a really good for fishing....

You're right)