#FITTYBITZ #2 // monday 22th jan // was it better or worse over birthday week, fitbit data time! :)

in fitbit •  7 years ago 

Week two of Fitbit tracking and to be honest it’s kinda become invisible on my wrist, in fact I’ve only just checked it now to check it’s battery level and it’s down to 40% it’s really one of those ‘body’ sensors that I don’t have to worry about too much and it gives me back so much data that I don’t have to worry about until I want to review it — it’s already becoming a reinforcement to how my weeks are going and where I need to course correct.

stats for last week then.. .

So last week was my birthday midweek so we did a bunch of walking that really sent my steps skyrocketing this week, you can see that middle of the week intensity for a series of three days when we were either walking around a city, in transition back and then on the friday we did a last bunch of walking back and forth from school into town and back so that really got the numbers up! - kinda happy with 72k steps for the week.

To see that I was crushing it for 70% productivity time is awesome too, I’ve gotta install rescue time on the laptop as well so it can get my time there as well when I’m using that mobile because I knew I used it a few times while we were in transit so I know I’m losing a bit of tracking there.

Nothing surprising here to be honest, monday and tuesday are pretty dead because I’m either getting up to speed for the week or i’m still in apathy chill mode from the weekend — the next four days thou I crushed it and then had an apathy day on sunday, I think if I go walking on sunday I might more driven to go walking on monday, keeping it up means you can transition into the next day better I’ve found.

I might drop this card to be honest, it doesn’t really tell me that much, sure it shows I was productive and online but it’s a bit of a terrible graph, I think I’ll skip this one next week and see if I can find other cards that are more useful, once I get to a month of data I presume those monthly cards will show up, those will be better to show once a month to see month on month where we are at, by the middle of the year I’ll be hopefully crushing it.

this one really shows the level of sleep mess up I’ve been having, you can see where my sleep was all over the place on the thursday, I’m really not sure was going on there, maybe it was the storms, I don’t remember, I slept like a baby the three days before that thou for nine hours so I think that helped because normally I’m evil on four hours sleep, ouchy!

This is slowly becoming my favourite card because this is the one I’m more interested in, how I spend my time online — even thou it was birthday week I still had a productive thirteen hours working on steemit, bear, keynote and revisited fiver a little bit when they upgraded my account — I still need to chase that down, I think I could level back up really easily with a few more orders, I need to totally re-invent all the gigs over there, maybe with the new green screen I can do that.

You’ll notice that for ‘other time’ that it lists twitter, youtube, minecraft and bbc — it’s true I spent a bunch of time reading the moments on twitter and the news on the bbc website, can’t believe that adds up to that much time actually — oh and also I DONT play minecraft, that’s my daughter playing on my computer — funny to see that I’m totally over the news and twitter by the middle of the week! :)

Another card that is new this week is my goals, you can see that I crushed the goal for the week, it’s important to set goals and I really like the way that the Fitbit motivates you (if you let it) to get up, get the steps in, take some time out to get the steps done — I know this might be a slow week so I feel like I crushed two weeks in one here.

I did set an objective to meditate at least ten minutes a day which I totally gapped last week, maybe I’ll get that in today, let’s hope so anyway, maybe when I get back from the walk to the shops I’ll take some time out and control my breathing and time out before I start the afternoon.


http://socialgandalf.com/legacypinterest epic wins pinboard → i was a brand advocate for nokia, 1000heads, verisign → won a vloggie for involvement in node666 (san francisco 2006) → on television for time team history hunters 1999 (burton on trent) → sold me.dm to evan williams (twitter) in april 2011 for 5 figures → went to phil campbell, alabama to help repair/recovery/help raise money month after a tornado ripped through the town (was on sky news, bbc news, al jazeeza, nightly news, alabama weather channel?!) → CNN for sxsw 2013 about austin south by southwest event → video chat with robert scoble from rackspace → i was in a music video can you spot me? → won the digital derry contest for 5k euros to kickstart web tv studio → did project work with sleepydog indirectly for nesta (responder) → crowdfunded digital signage concept called the pi street (do it for steem?)

together we win

@teamhumble - general blogposts
@teamaudio - decentralized audio on dtube
@teamvideo - decentralized video & tutorials
@cryptocards - reviewing atm and virtual credit cards
@nomadpictures - pics and snaps from the road
@bansko - co-working basecamp
@cinemagraph - free and paid cinemagraphs
@eresidency - information for estonian e-residency
@everydaycarry - steemians every day carry
@vlogging - day to day vlogging videos
@texttosteem - text to audio services

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A very important post, I just got your ideas read about this and got some ideas, which was very important for me to know. I am always with those who write a very good article, you are one of my favorite among them. I always pay close attention to your articles. I'll try to stay with you as long as I work on this steemit site. And I hope that you too will be with us through many informative and such good post....

cheers brother. keep watching, hope my blogs help and inspire. all i can do.

i always with you....best of luck

What's the name of this app ? Cause everyday I run 1 km at night.


hey brother, yeah it's called http://gyrosco.pe -- it plugs into loads of other services. it's great. feel free to add me 'teamhumble' over there ;)


Wow, super interesting. Maybe I need to get one of those with my super strange travel lifestyle who knows how whacked out my stats will be. I sometimes walk five miles a day randomly around new places day after day. I sometime hunker down in my hotel blogging away on steemit for a week straight. What an amazing product.

So cool that we have connected here. I'm really impressed with the quality of work you put out. After living in mostly third world countries for the past 15 years. Learning about a "fitbit" for the first time is like some futuristic kind of stuff. Please don't tell me in the states where I'm from this product has been around for years! lol

I remember coming hometo Albany New York after several years out of the country and everyone was talking about this new famous young singer. "Justin Beeber" I was like, Justin what? Beeber? What the heck is a Beeber!" Every what was cracking up like I just returned from Mars! lol

Anyway my new Steemit Brother I just crossed 1,000 followers and blasted out a huge post celebrating all my steemit friends and their help and support. I put a good mention of you in there. It would mean a lot to me if you checked it out. Much appreciated and hop you are well! -Dan


ha! i know what you mean, technology is quite wonderful is it not! - not a bad thing not knowing too many things trust me! i'd prefer to know less some days so i don't feel it so hard, i'm a ground sign so i feel all events that happen on the land! :) -- will check out your new post! :) thanks for the props! :)

Interesting reply. I'm a vergo. I'm pretty stereotypical of one too. I've very thought out, to the point of almost indecisiveness. So before I make a decision on something I have to know every little detail. So maybe it's best I just know nothing at all! Makes life easier. lol Thanks again for checking out my post. Really appreciated that. I'll be in touch -Dan

This is pretty impressive stats!! you sleep 9 hours which is really good, obvs it went downhill after. haha and i have never seen the productivity tracker, its crazy!! how does it know which platforms you use? and well done on steps, im doing my fitbit as well and a 3 day challenge now , maybe you seen on insta already! but will be posting all the stuff here too once i get my head around it :)D soo much to do after the holiday :O x

i can help with setting you up on it. i'm on fitbit too. yeah i have everything linked up to cover all this ;) gotta keep fit right?! clean body, clean mind and all that! :)

yesss i set it all up!! lets see how it will work :)

awesome, got the follow ;) it's pretty neat. straight forward :)

Saya senang melihat status anda kerena mengupas suatu masaalah dengan tuntas.

of course, how can you make changes in life if you can't get the data from what's going on! :)

Excellent tool that I imagine helps in a lot of friend to be well informed and correct errors, greetings, success, it is quite important, thank you for sharing with us

Hello fantastic tool I really liked this post that good to be able to control everything to get the best possible greetings well