How to Save Money and Get in Shape: A Guide for the College Student on a Budget.
College can be expensive. And if you want to save money for the future, you're going to need to learn how to spend your funds wisely. Luckily, there are plenty of ways to stay fit and healthy without breaking the bank. This blog will help you explore six different workouts that are both affordable and effective for any college student on a budget. Whether your goal is weight loss, muscle gain, or just better fitness, these exercises will help you get there without breaking the bank.
Equipment You'll Need for Home Workouts
When you're on a budget, you don't want to spend money on expensive gym memberships. Luckily, there are plenty of exercises you can do at home without any equipment. Pushups, squats, mountain climbers, planks, and more are all great workouts that don't require any special tools or equipment.
The only thing you'll need is something to create resistance. If you have a friend who will train with you, use their body weight as resistance. If not, grab a pair of weights or some soup cans from the kitchen. These exercises are great for beginners because they don't involve any complex movements or techniques.
Six Affordable Workouts to Stay Fit on a Budget
#1: Body Weight Training
Body weight training is a type of workout that uses your body as the weights. It's great for anyone who doesn't have fitness equipment or is looking for a low cost workout. A lot of exercises can be done with just your body and your surroundings! For instance, you can do push-ups on the floor with nothing but your hands and toes as leverage, do lunges by walking forward with one leg at a time, and many others. This is an excellent workout to build muscle and improve coordination.
#2: Running
Running is one of the cheapest workouts you can complete and it's great for burning calories and toning muscles. To find out how much it costs to start running, check out this article. Some people might not like running because it's boring or they don't enjoy exercising outside, but there are plenty of other options to stay fit without breaking the bank.
Saving money is one of the most difficult things to do in college. Between student loans, tuition, and textbooks, it’s easy to run out of money before the end of the semester.
However, it’s possible to stay fit on a budget if you know where to spend your money, and where not to spend it.