My PR is 255 lb from 2020. 230lb is the highest I have gone since my distal bicep tendon tear and reconnection surgery.
I moved the weight fast and it felt like light weight. I could have went up to 245lb but I stopped there and I'm moving up a little slower. I don't need to be strong today or tomorrow. I need to be strong in 3 months.
I have calculated in the past that I'm in the upper 1% of natural strength and power (Non Performance Enhanced) in the entire world.
I typically can lift more than my body weight more than a dozen different ways. I weighed in at 215lb yesterday. I'm ready to get back to doing cleans. My knee just needs to get a little better. 2022 was rough in the fact that I had the two surgeries. Bicep tendon and complex tear in my medial meniscus.