in fitness •  8 years ago 

Tracking your exercise is the best way to achieve a healthy lifestyle. Knowing where you are and how far you have to go is essential to reaching goals.

If you've been interested in getting a better idea of your daily activities or perhaps your sleeping pattern, you should consider getting a fitness tracker. Whether it is a PulseBandz, Fitbit, Garmin, or any other fitness tracker brand out there you should consider the price and features it has for it's price.

Pulsebandz makes one of the most affordable and stylish fitness trackers on the market to fit your lifestyle. Lets also not forget you're not only helping yourself track your sleep and activities but you're also taking part of a larger movement, The Change. But first we'd like to highlight our P'2 Trainer fitness wristband which currently starts at $89.95 which makes it the most affordable fitness tracker with it's features.

PulseBandz P2' Trainerpulsebandz-fitness-tracker-p2trainer-music-control-feature-lifestyle-blog

The P'2 Trainer doesn't have all the smart capabilities of a Fitbit higher-end model like the Fitbit watch, but you can still do more than just track your fitness. The music control feature lets you no longer need to take out your phone to change your favorite song but now you can do it all in your wrist. Not only does it come with that advanced feature but you are able to to charge it without any charger and just via any USB port. Lets not forget the multiple colors that you can interchange according to your mood or outfit!


pulsebandz-fitness-tracker-lifestyle-brand-blogOn the fitness side, The P'2 Trainer can track your steps taken, calories burned, sleep, and has a timer. It can also sense when you have been in a rested position for too long and give you reminders to move. All of this data is synced with PulseBandz' app on your phone, so you can keep track of your progress over time. Also unlike other fitness gadgets, which are to be worn on your wrist, the P'2 trainer comes in two pieces: a device and a band. 

If you've been thinking about buying a Pulsebandz, This is the time to do it.

Summer is coming and is one of the easiest times of the year to get more active. This makes it a great time to buy a fitness tracker, expecially if you are aiming for that summer body. Tracking your progress over time can motivate you to keep you going when you feel your worst and make you feel even better when you feel your best!


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