My upper body warm up!

in fitness •  7 years ago 

I use these dynamic stretches before I train if I am doing a full body workout or any upper body workout.

I always start with 3-5 minutes on cardio (something that uses my upper body a lot like cross trainer, skipping, rowing machine or uphill walk/jog on treadmill) to warm up the whole body and then do these dynamic stretches to prepare the muscles you are about to use.
So it's a good idea to always do some dynamic stretches before your workout, on the muscles you will be using in your workout.
Dynamic stretches shown are:

  1. Arm circles with resistance band
  2. Band pull aparts
  3. Big single arm circles (both ways)
  4. Small arm circles
  5. Dynamic chest stretch
  6. Shoulder rolls (both ways)
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