Here's a little transformation throwback!

in fitness •  7 years ago 

19 vs. 22.
1 year into my fitness journey vs. Today.
Fragile both mentally & physically vs. Strong mentally & physically.
Excessive cardio vs. Balanced weights.
Hated my body vs. Connected with my body.
Insecure vs. Confident.
Don't think there's a big difference? Then byeee! 👋🏼 I remember that sad little girl 😰 I remember doing cardio and abs five times a week thinking, this is what fitness is. I remember when I thought being thin was how I wanted to look but I was STILL insecure about my body.
I've always been naturally skinny and have never gained weight easily like some people (not something I enjoyed). For years I felt fragile mentally and physically, which was slowly destroying and eating away at my body.
A lot has changed physically between these 2 photos but switching my MINDSET and mentally getting stronger as a person was the most important and what saved my life!
You have a CHOICE in life to be fragile or strong, mentally and physically. Your mindset will never change unless you change something you do everyday! MINDSET IS EVERYTHING.
I changed my perspective at what fitness & health was and immediately got interested in learning the science behind exercise and nutrition, which lead me to where I am today. I couldn't be any more mentally stronger, healthier or happier 💜
You can only find that strength inside of YOU, not from someone else's transformation photo or story. Only you!image.jpeg

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  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Amazing story and testimony @fitexercise!! I am following you now, than you for following me, and I am so happy for you, because you look fabulous and it is all about eating healthy, excercising and being the best version of ourselves. :D

Nice, upvoted and following! Post some routines.

you look exactly the same in both pics , both very nice !
there is lots of BAD science behind exercise and nutrition so be careful who you listen to

Yup, exactly the same. I also agree, she is very pretty. She could try Perfect 3000, if she wants to put some healthy weight on. Been using it for twenty years. Along with plenty of water.

One note, she is one hundred percent right about choosing to be weak or strong. No one is born strong, you have to chose to grow in strength.