RE: Reality Check - Supplements Without Effort Are A Waste.

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Reality Check - Supplements Without Effort Are A Waste.

in fitness •  6 years ago 

Coincidentally, my wife was at the gym last week and she was admiring "the ripped, muscular, shapely physique of another participant (the goddess)". She asked her trainer if she even wanted to know what routine/regimen the goddess was on.

Similar to what you just mentioned in your post, the trainer explained that "the goddess" was in the gym before work, and then after. She eats a pescatarian diet and was currently striving to prepare for a competition.

It turned out that "the goddess" was a friend of my wife's trainer so she was able to provide the complete rundown. No supplements or steroids involved. - but a lot of exercise and a diets packed full of vegetables and lean proteins.

To top it off, her career was in programming, so, 9-5 was spent sitting at a desk like everyone else.

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Wow, what a perfect example! I love it! Thank you so much for sharing :)