RE: Self-Myofascial Release - The Foam Roller, Your New BFF!

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Self-Myofascial Release - The Foam Roller, Your New BFF!

in fitness •  7 years ago 

In TImes when nobody lends you a helping and painreliefing hand it surely is my best friend! sometimes I coould spend hours just going from one Pain in another and HOLD IT :)
Either I make 20 minutes Sessions or really extending it because of perfectionism. In that cases its really nearly as exhausting as a real training! Mostly using it as active regeneration in weeks of high intensity i also using the blackroll as a heavy warmup :))
Thanks for this great Article Annemarie,
best wishes yours johannes

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Thank YOU, my friend!

Haha seriously! There's always a spot that could use some attention! :)

It's awesome that you use it both pre- and post-workout, good for you! If only more people had that kind of dedication to self care - there would be fewer injuries and more fitter, healthier people for sure!

Thanks and best wishes right back! :)