Motivation Through Changing Your Perspective - Keto Cut Day 25

in fitness •  7 years ago 

Hey everyone! Hope you're having a great start to the weekend! I was thinking a lot about motivation over the past few days and how some people perceive the everyday world and how that perception affects their motivation to follow-through on their goals in life.

One thing that I've noticed, which I think is directly relevant to everyone and every goal is how 2 different people may perceive the same object or obstacle and how that affects their motivation.

For example, person A, who has trouble following their diet tends to see a desirable piece of food (like a pizza) and decides that they would love to eat that pizza. "I'll just have 1 slice, and I worked really hard in the gym today!" The slice just looks so good, and the cheese is still hot and there's spinach in the crust!! How could anyone resist something so desirable!?

Person A perceives eating that pizza like it's the last time they could ever get a slice again! Person A looks for all of the reasons why they should give-in and let themselves have a slice.

Person B has a different perception of the pizza. When person B sees the pizza, they realize that it's desirable, but then they decide to change their perceptions and list all of the reasons why they shouldn't eat that slice of pizza. "It'll put my calories over the limit today. 1 slice will only make me want another slice afterwards, I won't be satisfied! Eating this slice of pizza is a few minutes of satisfaction, but staying on my diet and losing weight will give me satisfaction for the entire summer!"

Person B percieves eating that pizza like it's the enemy to their goals. Person B looks for all of the reasons why they shouldn't eat the pizza and why they should stick to their diet and have follow-through.

Sometimes, staying on track toward whatever goal it is that you want to achieve is as easy as changing your perspective towards the positive reasons why you should do one thing instead of the other.

I feel like I hear people say that certain people just naturally have more willpower than others and that they have more internal motivation, which means they're somehow "specially wired" to be successful... I think this is just an excuse that people make for why they're not following through on their own goals. I think that motivation and willpower all comes down to the story that you tell yourself. If you constantly tell yourself the wrong story, then you're likely to keep making the wrong decision.

Tell yourself a better story and you'll find it a lot easier to stick to your habits and achieve your goals!

Day 25 Log:


Start Weight (lbs)Goal Weight (lbs)Weight Lost (lbs)
Today's Weight (lbs)Fat Mass (%)Body Mass BMI


Off Day

Here's the Question of The Day, don't forget to post your answers in the comments!

QOTD: You may not have thought of perspective as being a tool for increasing your internal motivation, do you think you can change your perspective and leverage it to help you achieve your goals whether they are fitness related or anything else?

Thanks for reading! Don't forget to leave your thoughts below and I look forward to seeing you in the comments!


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it is too much informative post.thanks for sharing @khaleelkazi

Thanks @sharminwadud, what did you think about the QOTD?

Temptations to give up on living healthy life come and go. I guess it is a matter of mind over matter... We just have to remember the consequences if we stop following our healthy routine / diet before we fall to temptations - that's my way of staying on track :-)

Your perception is focused on the consequences and thus, the reasons why you shouldn't break your diet! Great thoughts @sandralouis, thanks for sharing!

thank you for a kind information....thank you so much...keep it up carry on your activity best of luck try something new....

Thank you for reading @rasel49! What did you think of the QOTD?

Damn! I never really though about perspective this way before. This is awesome.

If there is anything I know about people who fail, they always make excuses for their failures just to make themselves feel better and that's why Mr A will always fail and never get in shape.

They say that successful people make a better meaning fir their failures. Meaning that even a failure can be successful tomorrow if only he decides to change his perspective about the reason why he failed in the first place.

This is a strong one bro and just like the last time I read your motivation about the young boy whose parents asked him to list the reasons why he needed to succeed and become better in class instead of asking him to list the reasons why he failed.

Thanks for sharing bro.

Exactly, they will never get in shape because they tell themselves the wrong story about what's happening! They blame their environment rather than their actions!

100% agree with that as well and I love your description of success and failures! If you have the right perspective, every failure is just another stepping stone to your eventual success!

haha great connection to that post! I didn't even think of it till you mentioned the list, these 2 fit great together!

Thanks for reading and leaving your great thoughts as always @sistem!

You are wilting away the lbs my friend! Slow and sure.

I do think I can use this kind of motivation. Starting a new gym based workout this coming week too!

Haha thanks! A steady pace wins the race ;)

That's fantastic!! I wish you all the success on your new routine! Let me know how it goes for you!

You are right in all sense of it. I had some bad addiction in the past. I struggle over it for a while, why? Because I was person A and until I started acting like person B I would have lost long ago.

Yes! Addiction is a great example of how changing your perspective can change your motivation to not do whatever you're addicted to and find alternatives for your time! Thanks for sharing your experience!

I wondering if this applies to teens, or maybe this is jut for fully grown adults body weight and height.

Yeah I definitely think it applies to teens!

It applies to everyone!! It can really do wonders if you just take the time to think about it!

I agree! It's widely applicable and very practical for anyone who decides it's worth their time (and it should be worth anyone's time!)

Absolutely, everyone should take just a little time out of there day to think about it!

You know most people concentrate on the end goal and believe this will supply them with the discipline and willpower to achieve that goal. But daily life and stresses constantly interfere, blurring your ultimate goal and your resolve along with it. Success bolsters more success. As you achieve each goal, take a moment to recognize your accomplishment. Celebrating these wins will give you momentum to go after your next goal and give you a sense of purpose and pride. Well once again your post will be motivate to peoples thoughts and life style, keep it up,Thanks.

wow that's amazing post. i like it and vote it. and waiting for your next post. thank you body.

Thanks for reading, what did you think of the QOTD?

very informative and motivational article...

I think that motivation and willpower all comes down to the story that you tell yourself.
@khaleelkazi nice good work boss

This is very important information.Thank you so much for those inform.

I think being a member of life is far better for the purpose of life :)

What do you mean by being a member of life?

I would think that he means learning from experience maybe? Sounds like an answer that could use further explanation!!

Assalam walaikum khaleelkazi Sahab

You can always change your perspective. The only constant that is happening within us and with outside world is change. If awareness is low, that cannot be perceived but change is going on so let's be wise enough to put our focus on what we want to change and life force will give us that push to make that happen. The most important thing is to believe in ourselves as without that we will give up in half of our way and change will again start to undesirable shape.


Yeah I agree it's WoW.

Haha thanks! What did you like about it?

Loved the actionability.. it’s amazing how this technique can be used in everyone’s life!

I agree! The actionability of this technique is the key of it's usefulness.

You hit the nail on the head gallerani!

Great job on your weight loss, already half way there.

So true said,

With positive actions comes the success ,stick to positivity and you shall never fail.

Guess the person B is the delivery boy ...whole scene in front of him but not eating the

haha that's hilarious!! yeah it's kinda like the delivery boy who's avoiding the temptations of pizza!

Avoiding the temptations of pizza haha! I love that!

Lol temptations of pizza 😂

very interesting each point of view, of the person A and B, in my personal opinion, if there are no clear objectives, you will have many distractions on the way, if the desire to lose weight is strong, the pizza would be lost in the refrigerator, the Discipline, it is important to achieve a goal. Thank you for buying an informative greeting so motivating.

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