Obesity, killing the masses

in fitness •  7 years ago 

Although my blog will be primarily concerned with Crypto, I want to share from time to time personal stories as I trafood-vendor-leon-nicaragua-bxy8jj.jpg

Although my blog will be primarily concerned with Crypto, I want to share from time to time personal stories as I travel a lot and am living in a foreign country right now.
So as I mentioned in a previous story, I am currently living in Managua, Nicaragua. Nicaragua is in Central
America is sandwiched between Costa Ricas and Honduras, a beautiful country which is much safer than every country in the western hemisphere behind Uruguay. As I was sitting browsing in the internet on the porch the other day I noticed a man carrying a load that had to of weighed at a minimum 30 lbs. This man carries this weight full of food products he's selling all day covering several miles. Add to it that it is in the 90's and the sun is blazing. At first glance one would not think about it twice it. Then something occurred to me, this man who was definitely doing strenuous work, yet he was...obese. Incredible. How could this man possibly be overweight doing the type of work most of us could not handle? Taking that example and going over in my head other things I know about Nicaragua and it's recent issues with kidney failure or issues within the population , even with relatively young Nicaraguans, I realized besides the cooking with tons of cheap oil what was killing them. Soda
Soda is drank in incredible amounts in Nicaragua. No matter where you are , eating dinner, working out, or just relaxing you will always be offered a soda, worst of all an off brand soda like "Big Cola". This man carrying his merchandise stopped and pulled out a liter of "Big Cola" and began drinking to quench his thirst. Personally when working like that I definitely prefer water . It is not like Nicaragua does not have potable water, the tap water is completely fine and actually very delicious, I drink it personally. So what would cause this insane consumption of a diabetic liquid death? Obviously like anywhere else soda is always cheaper than water for corporate reasons. So I don't know the answer to why soda is so loved but perhaps it has to do with feeling empowered or being able to show that they can purchase something flavored instead of drinking water? When I asked people many times their simple answer was , " water is boring and tasteless". Yes they are correct but everything must have it's limit. Nowhere else do people work out and drink soda, kind of defeats the purpose. In recent years there has been a rampant problem with people's kidneys. Their kidney's must be extremely overwhelmed with all that sugar in the system with very little water. I would be amazed to know exactly how much water you lose sweating in the heat of Nicaragua on a daily basis. Culturally something mus change to alter this mentality of placing soda in a higher place than water, the lack of education must be the greatest cause of this. It has been said that 90% of headaches are caused by lack of water, and everyone always has headaches despite me explaining to them the importance of keeping hydrated.
If anyone has an opinion or has studied this matter further I would be curious to know your opinion or take on this. I wish I could do more to educate people here but unfortunately when you share information with people they take it as offensive and feel like you are trying to be superior than them by touting your education.

You can see more of my photography and topics i cover through my instagram.
instagram : lunasvision


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Such a great post! It is truly concerning to hear of this. I find this same problem among my friends living here in the US. I am always trying to improve my diet and help others when they are not feeling well. But, they do not like what I tell them. When I say drink more water, they say they do not like it. When I say eat more blueberries, they say they don't them either. It can be very disappointing, but I understand I have to let them make their own choices. The best thing I can do is be a healthy example! I will follow you! I look forward to more of your posts.

Thank you so much for sharing your personal experience. yes its a major problem in the states too. I will return the favor of following you back and look forward to what you share, have a great day - Luna