My fitness journey!

in fitness •  7 years ago 

Now you know why I started my fitness journey. Even to this day I feel it's pretty sad that nothing could convince me to change my habits until mine and my child's lives were in danger. But because the situation was so traumatizing, I think that contributed to my very quick weight loss. I didn't falter. I didn't sway. I didn't rebound. I lost it, and that was it!

Whenever someone asks me how I did it, I tell them “you're not going to like my answer”. There is no magic pill and no magic diet. Just eat right and keep your body moving!


In the beginning I knew what I had to do. I had to stop eating Cheetos with cheese dip 🤢 I know, right. I upped my water, nuts, fruits and veggies. Lowered my dairy and meats. Stopped buying those ice coffee drinks every morning from 7/11 and watched my portions. Also at my old work we had a really great trail. I walked this trail on all my breaks and lunch! Everyday. Since getting in shape I've learned that 80% of weight loss is diet. I didn't do any intense workouts, I just walked. It was mainly my diet. It took me exactly a year. I went from 260 lbs down to 145 lbs. I was feeling quite accomplished.


And then I got pregnant with Willow. I honestly don't know what I did… I think I may have over indulged. I ate all the right stuff during my pregnancy, but I think it was all the right things x 10! Well anyhow, I gained 100 lbs!


I'm sure the bubble tea didn't help :P

Once Willow was born I was determined to bounce back! Funny enough about 50 lbs of it I lost in the hospital! :) I could not wait to get cleared by my doctor so I could go on my walks again!


That was such a happy day. I was ready to stomp the pavement again! A year after Willows birth I had gotten back to my pre pregnancy weight. But I wanted to lose even more, even tho technically I was a healthy weight medically speaking, but I thought I can up this fitness game a bit. So my husband and I joined a gym and we began weight training and running.


Also shortly after willows birth I transitioned from barely eating meat and dairy, to vegetarian, to full on vegan. I honestly owe my full vegan transition to my friend @kenistyles. He has been a HUGE influence on my fitness journey.


It's been a year and a half since we started at the gym. We now find ourselves running marathons and flexing in front of mirrors a bit more!! Haha I cannot thank my husband enough for his support and joining me on this journey!


We both lost weight. My husband has lost close to 25 lbs and I lost almost another 15 lbs. Currently I bounce back and forth between 132-134 lbs. I would like to lose more but my doctor has actually warned me not too. Due to my weight loss I have an estimated 10-15 lbs of loose skin, which I hope to have removed one day. But if I lost anymore, then had skin removal surgery, I would technically be underweight.


So I guess in short, eat all the right things and just keep your body moving! Know what's good for you and LISTEN to your body. It really does speak to you. Realize what you're capable of! You’re more than you think you are!

Look out for tomorrow's blog. I will go into the CONS of losing weight and how it can sometimes be a blessing in disguise.

Thank you for reading and please comment your achievements! I'd love to have discussions with everyone!!

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Ok so this too had my feeling all the feels and I'll admit it... I had a few tears... happy tears I had to wipe away. I will also say imma boy extra emotional today. Whatever. It is a lovely post and so inspirational! Absolutely love the pictures! Sending you all the hugs and love!

Thank you sweetie! I really love the feedback, don't love that you cried tho.. but at least they were happy tears! Thank you for reading

We love seeing yours and the R man flexing pics! 💚💯

I'm so happy he joined me on the fitness journey. Gotta have that support system!

very great job!!
I am impressed.