GVFew easy yoga postures for this weekend!

in fitness •  7 years ago  (edited)


Camel Pose (Ustrasana)

Toughens the backbone; unlock the shoulders, chest, and quadriceps; improvement in mood and liveliness. It helps improve digestion as it massages the internal organs.

1 bend on your knees, with your legs hip-width apart. Place your hands on your hips. Keep your hips over your knees and inside rotate your thighs, squeezing them toward each other.
2 As you breath in, draw in your tail-bone towards the pubis as if being pulled from the navel.
3 Instantaneously, arch your back and slide your palms over your feet till the arms are straight.


Wide-Legged Forward Bend(Prasarita Padottanasana)

It is to increase flexibility by leaps and bounds. It Calms the brain and eases fatigue also Improves circulation.


  1. Come to the Mountain Pose (Tadasana). Bring your hands to your hips and turn to the left and step your feet widespread.
  2. Breath-in and elongate your torso, reaching the top of your head up in the direction of the ceiling. Breathe out, fold forward at the hips. Keep the front of your torso long.
  3. Bring your hands to rest on the floor between your legs. Keep your elbows bent and pointing behind you. If your hands do not come to the floor, rest them on yoga blocks.
  4. Shift your weight slightly forward onto the balls of your feet.


Half moon pose (ardha chandrasana)

It is beneficial in better synchronization and also increases your attentiveness and balance of your body. This Yoga Pose makes your ankles, thighs, buttocks, spine and core area stronger.


  1. Come in the position of Trikonasana on your right side and keep your left hand on your left side of the hip.
  2. Breathe in and bent your right knee and keep your same foot approximately 12 inches forward along with keeping your right hand in forwarding direction and keep it apart from your right foot toes.
  3. Then breathe out and to some extent move your right hand to the ground or floor. Press the floor with your right hand. After that, keep your right leg straight. During this raise your alternate leg (left leg) off the floor. Remember that, it’s parallel to the ground.


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I'm a teacher of sport I love yoga but I not practice, nice post I upvoted, follow me if you like, peace ✌️😘

@raefbelguith If you get time do practice it. Thanks for your support, it really matters. Followed u back!

Nice sport 💆‍♂️

@amirlinda yeah definitely! Try it.

I hope to try it but i need some advices about how to practice it @yogachallenge so if you can, share with us a video about yoga !

Useful one ! thanks for sharing beautiful yoga postures !!

@akkha Thanks a lot dear!

you are welcome my friend !

A very useful post, thank you for sharing. Upvoted and followed you!

@franklinjgc Thanks a lot for your motivation! It really helps.

Wow,. great job!

Thanks Kiri!

nice read ! yoga is great

@supremeone indeed ! :)

I think "easy" is relative lol

There's no way I could hit the first 3 poses!

@kbarrett Awww! Try it I am sure you will!

yoga good for health and mind @yogachallenge

@reyajahmedrazu definitely it is!