5 Recent Updates Awaiting the Winner of the US Presidential Election, Joe Biden or Donald Trump?

in five •  4 years ago 

The US presidential election is still in the process of counting votes. Uncle Sam's country cannot confirm which Donald Trump or Joe Biden has officially won this competition.
Quoted from the BBC, Saturday (7/11/2020), even so the calculation process has shown the significance of each presidential candidate. Joe Biden is reported to have won and has the potential to win the US presidential election.




But the statement of the official victory of the elected president of the United States will still take some time as the laws of each state differ when it comes to counting votes.

Although Joe Biden looks more likely to win, there are still many possibilities that could happen. The following are some of the latest facts and updates about the US presidential election:

  1. Joe Biden has Won Popular Votes
    So far, Joe Biden has the lead by a large margin with Trump, but that's not what determines who will be president.


Instead, a candidate must win a majority in a system called electoral vote, in which each state gets a number of votes or "voters" roughly proportional to its population.

If the presidential candidate wins a majority in a state, he wins all the votes. There are 538 state votes and the person who gets 270 will become president.

  1. Latest Update on Electoral Voices

Biden has 253 electoral votes compared to Trump's 214. There are several ways to reach 270 votes each.

If Biden gets to Pennsylvania, he will have passed the conditions needed to inhabit the White House. States such as Georgia, Nevada, Arizona and North Carolina also support it.

Trump will need a Pennsylvania vote and must win three states - Georgia, North Carolina, Nevada or Arizona.

  1. Developments in the States that Determine the Victory of the Presidential Candidates

o Georgia (16 votes), the most recent situation is Biden taking over from Trump as votes and counts from more regional Democratic sympathizers come in. There are still votes to count, such as military and foreign votes, but because the margin is so narrow, there will be a recount.

o Pennsylvania (20 votes), There are 115,000 ballots left to count and Biden is now in the lead. As ballots in many places tend to go Democrats, analysts see Biden's lead.

o Nevada (6 votes), Biden has led the vote in Nevada. About 150,000 ballots have yet to be counted, many of them from the Clark area, which is home to Democratic Party sympathizers.

o Arizona (11 votes), Biden's lead is getting narrower. Many of the votes still to be counted come from Maricopa County, home to 60% of the state's population and Trump has been catching up as these votes are counted.

Donald Trump has done better than expected and Joe Biden has failed to win votes in battlefield nations that are counting votes quickly. On the other hand Democrats have also closed the gap in key states when votes are counted.

  1. The Numbers That Keep Changing

Each state has its own laws and systems for counting votes. Individual states are also responsible for the order in which votes are counted, for example votes by post are often counted last.

It makes a difference when Republicans tend to vote directly on the day and postal votes tend to gravitate toward Democrats.

Another thing to note is that the media have different calculations for each candidate depending on where they get election data. For example, there have been several media outlets that have contacted Arizona about Biden's developments.

  1. Factors that Hinder the Final Result Process

Trump has filed several lawsuits, but analysts argue that most of these concerns a small number of ballots that probably won't make a difference to the final result, with the exception of Pennsylvania, where the Supreme Court has previously signaled it could review rules on deadlines for receive postal votes.

But the story here isn't just a matter of counting. Now it looks like the pre-election poll data doesn't tell us the whole story about the American public. Many observers didn't realize the race was going to be so tight.

Some experts suspect there are parts of the American public who won't even participate in the vote because they don't trust the institutions and they are more likely to vote for Trump.

Voters' priorities may also be slightly misjudged. While the COVID-19 pandemic has dominated headlines, a survey conducted by Edison Research found that more voters (a third total) listed the economy as their main problem, that is Trump's core message.

Trump's voice also looks a little more mixed than many thought.

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