5 Facts About Me (Expose Yourselves)

in fivefacts •  7 years ago 

There I was,

just posting and curating away as usual

when I was hit in the middle of a comment

by a sucker punch from @ruth-girl:


"PS: In case you missed it, you've been challenged for a 5-Facts-About-Me post, I'll be waiting to see what you got for us ;)"


Five Facts About ME?

Expose Myself?

With No One to Hold My Hand?



Most unfortunately of all,

at this stage in my life,
desperately attempting to shore up
a waning manhood

I am forced, by pride,

to accept nearly any damn challenge!!!

(screams inside)


So here goes:

(flexes his muscles and strikes a pose)


You: "Tell us, @onceuponatime,

will you be transparent, and truthful,

with us in this "5 FACTS DISCLOSURE" thingee?"



Me: "Well, I'll do my best."

"You should be able to see right through me."

The see through "me"


Question: Tell us, @onceuponatime,

have you ever lost everything you own but the clothes on your back?

Answer (Fact 1):

Yes, 3 times........... so far..........



Question: Tell us, @onceuponatime,

is it true that you were born cross-eyed?

Answer (Fact 2):

Yes, it is. I underwent eye surgery three times from ages 3 to 5. The third operation was successful and I have had a singleness of vision ever since. (Well, that's not quite true. My stubborn brain only let's me focus with one eye at a time. That has had the interesting effect, for me, that I can shift the whole world by choosing, alternately, with which eye to focus).

singleness of vision!


Question: We've heard, @onceuponatime,

that you have always been a very private person.

Answer (Fact 3):

Yes, and very much a loner. Socially inept. As a matter of fact until steemit I had avoided any social media like the plague. I was shocked to find myself here, but was kind of forced into it by events at bitshares and in the graphene technology world. And most of my life I wouldn't even allow photos of myself to be taken. It's only the last few years that I have. My very first selfie was only a few years ago too.

my very first (and practically my only) selfie


Question: Well, @onceupontime,

have you ever held an honest job?

Answer (Fact 4):

Of course! I only worked for the government for about 4 years (as a special investigator, tax auditor, and forensic accountant). Most of my other jobs were honest work. Although I can't say that I've held any job at all for quite a while now. But I have done everything from bicycle courier, taxi driver, construction worker, accountant, rum runner, tourist guide, dance school manager, mushroom picker, retail clerk, black marketeer, flower salesman (on street corners), musician, money changer, open pit miner, mill mechanic, ..... , you get the idea. Anything for a buck :-)

my newest selfie (today) - to demonstrate my serious side(s)

Question: So, @onceuponstime,

you do have a serious side? What might that be? Have you ever been anywhere or done anything?

Answer (Fact 5):

Well, when I was still a teenager I traveled across Europe and to Asia, overland, twice, with stops in such places as Iceland, Scotland, Luxembourg, France, Germany, Spain, Morrocco, Austria, Yugoslavia, Greece, Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, etc. On my second trip I lived in the Himalayas of northern India (the Kulu District of Himichal Pradesh) for 6 years. Back in North America, I returned to university to get a degree with a double major in Economics and Businesss Management. I then studied accounting and had a stint working for the Federal Government.
I left that to become a performance musician during a six year stay in Arizona. I've also done various energy work courses, taken part in ayahuasca ceremonies, handled security at the Survival Camp Sun Dance, participated in and facilitated the original Miracle of Love emotional release intensives in San Diego, and I saw, in person, Jimi Hendrix play the guitar with his teeth :-)


ouzo and out,

p.s. Fact 5(b): I know a thing or three about the crypto movement

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Hi @onceuponatime, after reading all that facts of yours, I have an impression that this post was a very tough call for you being a serious private person. I respect your straight forward answers here. Am somewhat having that same traits of defending my privacy from anyone. And a rare person you are that you only do selfie that few times. But you have good education, multi talented, have travelled around the world and most important of all you have seen Jimi Hendrix play guitar with his teeth in person. That was one rare experience. In my conclusion... you have seen and done this world... that was a sum of of great journey of yours. My two thumbs up. Have a pleasant evening😊

I decided that you will never live unless you are willing to die. Hence my new attitude :-)

I resonate with this a lot... I've been fearful of dying... And realised that my fear was telling me I wasn't fully living... I've learned that the only way to laugh at death and shake the fear off is to live as intently and present as we possibly can... And anything is possible! ;) <3

Yes, that's the right attitude all the way... good for you. My best wishes to you for the new year. May steemit go all the way to the moon 😊

You'll never live until you realize how close you are to death. Willing? I guess you can say that too. But when your views in life change drastically and realize how easily life and death can swap places , then miracles happen!

If you don't stand for something (up to dieing for it), you will fall for anything! (Just ask some of my former business partners who sold out) :-)

Yes I agree with you life, gets a different meaning like this!
As for your parenthesis bit....I am not in any position to know any of your former business partners so I take your word for it. But I have a feeling that, since you are quite sharp and direct with your responses, I would say I believe you :)

I had to resteem this... I can't believe that you actually answered to this challenge!

But Dear @mariandavp, I explained it fully:

Most unfortunately of all,
at this stage in my life,
desperately attempting to shore up
a waning manhood

I am forced, by pride,
to accept nearly any damn challenge!!!

what a funtastic contest! And nice to get to know you a bit better. I as my earliest blogs explained read faces. And with the picture that looked through you, I could see a lot. Thank you for that! :-) In elements, you are a water/air person. Nice combination! If you like to know what it all means ask and I will answer you.

But I've been bitten by a fire dragon!

Fire horses are people to take care of, but fire dragon... hmm nice!

I have his tattoo on my neck!

show! .... :-)

Whoa, I’m impressed!!! Well done! I had to chuckle at the thought of a flag when you were challenged to this one , lol. Well Done!!

Hello @onceuponatime :)

I have been recently nominated for this same challenge (also by @ruth-girl) and decided to browse this tag. I saw your post was on the trending page and because I have seen you around and find your user name just wonderful I decided to have a nose!

When I saw you take the time to read your comments I thought I would write this one just to let you know that I thouroughly enjoyed reading all your facts. I was particularly drawn to your fact 3, I suppose that is because I am also very private! But, I must say that I really like people who are comfortable enough to not take themselves too seriously! Your selfies are really funny!! 😂

It looks like you have been living a life worth of writing a book about!

Well, nice to meet you & all the best to you 😊

I wish people said they found my username wonderful as well :(

You know what is wonderful? Those sexy legs of yours ... look at them! 😍

I think it would be a great name to have in a bridge tournament. You could probably get sponsorship deals and sell t-shirts to hordes of bridge fans.

How did you conclude that I do not take myself seriously? Might you be wrong? :-)

This would not be the first time I would be wrong! Believe me 😅
But, please note, I said “ too seriously” :)

I thought I was wrong once, but it turns out I was mistaken :-)


so you know your mushrooms ? :D

Well, I know about Alice in Wonderland.

One mushroom makes you larger, and one mushroom makes you small,
And the ones in your omelette don't do anything at all.

those mushrooms sound boring :(

Boredom is in the mushroom of the bored-ee

@onceuponatime Firstly, I admire your courage to expose yourself a bit more. Secondly I really really enjoy you everlasting sarcastic way (It was hilarious) and the last but not the least I empathize with the second and fifth fact, bacause they made me think about my surgeries (I have had quite a lot btw) and my visiting and living in many countries. Another thing in common apart from ouzo... ha ha ha

Now I'm worried about you. I think it takes a bit of a demented mind to find my sarcastic way to be "hilarious". I hope that you will be alright! :-)

I just like people who make me laugh and you are one of them @onceuponatime !!

Laughing at me again, eh!
Good thing I've got a thick skin :-)

No way! How could I? On the contrary, rumors say that you are a sensitive person @onceuponatime . I don't think you as a thick-skinned man. 😊

I even took your advice and posted a story with both you @onceuponatime and your other half @twiceuponatime 😉
So I have a question for you : Are you for some reason mad at my other half??🙁😔🙁😓

So now you are listening to rumors! Soon you will be spreading gossip. LOL

@onceuponatime I have a reliable and beautiful source 😊😉

But it is my opinion as well.....😊

OMG. I read every single word eagerly. You didn't just pick 5 things and state them. You picked 5 very interesting things and expanded on them.

I have to ask, what is a rum runner?

Also you did manage to avoid the explaining the first one. (I then scrolled through all your replies on this post... sure enough. No one asked you, nor did you volunteer any info about it either... so I'm the first I think)

>have you ever lost everything you own but the clothes on your back?

You only said "Yes, 3 times........... so far.........."

Maybe in one of your future posts you can tell us about one. I think when someone gets so broke, it changes them in some way in their future life.

For instance, if someone is born with a silver spoon in their mouth, and has never had to struggle at all financially, they could never ever fully develop the same was as someone who did surpass this black period in their life.

There is a certain compassion and understanding of less fortunate people that carries with you in life. I think that's what happened to me.

Your Q&A felt like a movie experience to me....Something like witnessing how a young, innocent Anakin Skywalker ended up being "Lord Vader" of steemit ;)

Who could have known,
Before innocence had flown,
That souls are bought,
Souls are sold....
And hearts could be so cold?

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Dear @onceuponatime , I am not quite sure how you have it in your mind, but the way I see it, souls are willingly and frequently sold, because the majority of us are not even sure of their existence. Sure, we keep hearing about them from a young age and "experts" from religious and artistic circles, such as priests and poets, reassure us of their existence, but can we see our soul? Can we touch our soul? Do we even feel it? I am afraid the majority of us don't.

It's easy to sell something you can't see or feel. No guilt! However, I am quite positive that you're speaking metaphorically and by soul you define the spirit, the dignity, the honor of a human. What's a soul after all? The core of our existence, no? Living without dignity and honor, is like living a meaningful, "soulless" life. However, you can still live a meaningful and dishonored life...many choose to do so, unfortunately.

Can you live without your heart, though? Can you sell your own heart? No, you can't. You can sell your soul, usually for completely egoistical purposes, but you can only donate and never sell your heart to someone you love (metaphorically and literally speaking). It takes selfishness to sell your soul, but unselfish love to give your heart.

So, souls are sold and hearts can be cold when you're selfish with no love inside you. The only difference is that one is for sale and the other is for sharing. When you don't share your heart, it will inevitably get cold one day!

PS. I try to spread my "soul" (I prefer the word spirit) with everyone around me and donate pieces of my heart to whoever needs it. I can guarantee you, however, that there are not many people who want much to do with my warm heart, as it suffers from atrial fibrillation and ectopic heartbeats for the past 11 years. I am thinking of tattooing this little design somewhere on my body in order to make it behave a little better and stop giving me such a hard time. Will it work? I hope so, because only 150 mg of propafenone x2 per day works for the time being ;)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Reading this it felt like I was riding a roller coaster ride of emotions. Too much for me to handle at 9 am!

Kudos for the video :)

Yes, I guess you shouldn't have your first drink - or read my posts - until noon, or the sun is over the yardarm, whichever comes first.

Naval officers' expression meaning "It is time for a drink", it is bad form to
have a drink on board before sun is over the yard arm, i.e. approaching noon.


  ·  7 years ago (edited)

We seem to have a problem regarding the yardarm!!!

As far as I know, the sun rises different heights depending on the time of the year !!! How will I know when it's really appropriate to drink, read your posts and pray it won't cause a tumultuous emotion in my heart? What if I am facing it in the wrong way?

Please advise!

As if I didn't have enough problems already, now you bring up THAT?

But wait, I have a solution. Paint a yardarm with the sun peeking over it on your living room wall. And one in the kitchen, bathroom, hallway......you get the idea :-)

This is great!! Thanks for letting us in and sharing a bit more about yourself @onceuponatime :) Your photos go with your answers perfectly!

I suspected we have much a similar personality (loner, experimental)
The number of experiences you had so far must make you feel pretty content with life.

Or do they?

Lately I am pretty content. Get a little annoyed at some peoples attitudes, but I hope to get over even that some day :-)

I have seen a few of these today and I liked them all BUT...
Yes, there is a but...
I love how you used the pictures on yours!
It's a creative touch that touched my already touched heart... Whut? No clue, it's late here in the Netherlands!
I liked reading all the facts ... Not only because of the pictures but its written in a very entertaining way!
I am gonna follow you for more..
Yes, I follow people.... Sometimes in a creepy way... Nah... Kidding... Am I?

Anyways, have a marvelous time

xxx Snekky!

I realized I already follow you... DUH... Found you in my feed..
Gosh I really need sleep ...

Words would not suffice.

I can only go Dave Cronenberg with this mind spazzing post.

I'll take a Cronenberg!

I think you don't like flattery, but it is an interesting fivefacts, uniquely presented (loved the QnA)!

If I can keep one thing* from your life is that we are defined by how we rise after we fall down. And it seems that you've managed to stand up and be allright :)

Best & Thanx!

smiling me

p.s. *Plus the video :p

So nice to get encouraging comments from Crete!

With fact 4 and the places you mentioned you have been, I'm beginning to think that you may have been trained in Langley

I went rogue while I was still a toddler in kindergarten. (I couldn't believe that some repressed bitch of a teacher was whacking my 5-year-old hand's palm with a leather strap FOR CHEWING GUM). I am therefore self-trained in psychological warfare and not beholden to any agency :-)

At twice that age, many of my classmates was called out by a teacher who told us to stretch our hands palm facing down and whack the fingers with the edge of a wooden rule. Fortunately I want one of the victim.

Looks like writing a resume, yours was impressive! Consider yourself hired!

Anyone who can be hired can be fired. Not for me!

Sur ? Not for you ?/

The beginning of the article was hilarious, then things got interesting. You've done and tried many things in the course of your life and that short answer, about losing everything, is inspiring . I'm young, never had too much, nor too less, but I have never been at that point yet. I suppose that it strengthens you for the long run so I'm prepared for that too.

I guess that for most people life is a marathon, not a sprint.

Love those fun facts about you though losing everything 3 times is not fun. I know. I've been there too. And I think the only reason why I can handle social situations is because my parents owned a bar and I was forced to talk to people. Bartenders need to do that if they want tips. :P

Third times a charm. And any friend of the bartender is a friend of mine :-)

Now I know why your handle is onceuponatime :) There are a lot of stories behind every single answer you gave. Sounds to me a very interesting and accomplished life you have had so far. Wish you to live long and make many more new live stories.

Just how much more of this do you think I should have to take? :-)

You make it sound like it is a bad thing. I wish I could give good answer to that question. I guess we hold on as long as we can, and try to make best of it. It seems to me you have done a great of doing that. I was just commenting on the origins of your handle and didn't mean to turn this into a deep thought subject :)

Oh dear. We have to stay all surfacy? OK, I can handle that I guess.

How can such a boheme guy follow a career with numbers? A musician that travelled across the world became a white collar worker... Thank God you never lost the wanderer at heart!

What can I say? I gave the straight and narrow the old college try. Didn't work. I'm not all that good at following (other people's) rules.

Well, it always feels nicer to be your own boss, not all people are born order-taking soldiers.

If you were/are your own boss, what would you boss yourself to do?
"What 5 things would you boss yourself to do"
Revenge challenge :-)

Challenge Accepted!

As she rides madly off in all directions!

Hi..your teeth are amazing But I think they want whitening...:ppp
I just joke... have a nice day from greece..

If I get my teeth whitened, do you think I have a chance at being a movie star? In Greece?

Of course you can 😀...as i read, you and ruth-girl are bosses.. bosses do whatever they want...:pppp.. but they should have white teeth..And with the government that we have in Greece, you can also become prime minister..

Maybe I should get a nose job too! Prime Minister, eh?

What ever u need to do to become one!!! Lol
You can be what ever u want in greece!!!

@son-of-satire has been looking for someone who has partaken of ayahuasca. If you have a discord it would be incredibly awesome of you to share your experience/s with him. (I admit I'm also a bit relieved to hear you say it almost nonchalantly, some of what I've read has made me nervous for my Scottish friend should he choose to take that leap)

steemit is the gathering place for the dreamers and inventors, creators and visionaries. For those who think along non linear lines, who would be called unusual or eccentric.
Of course others gather here too, but I've never in my life met so many fabulously odd people. A virtual world that in so many ways feels more real than the one I physically inhabit, if just for the simple reason that the pretentious do not thrive here and the politically incorrect are held in high esteem.

On a completely off topic, random note I just watched Into the Wild for the second time, the first being when it came out. Between Eddie and the panoramic scenery, I can barely wait until this summer and my journey west, and all of my future journeys as well. If by the end of my life, my list does not at least stand up to yours then I've done something wrong.

Here's a steemer writing about ayahuasca for your friend. I suppose that @son-of-satire could converse with her in comments.

The Ayahuasca Diaries: Part 2
saramiller (70) in writing • 7 days ago

Ah, thank you so much. I took a look and I'm sure this will be extremely helpful :)

P.S. If my dad was and my husband is anything to go by, manhood need not be waning for guys to feel compelled to accept challenges...lol

Congratulations on your opening up, are the right words I guess! It seems as I read in the comment you are taking a new turn in your life, and opening up is one of the steps in there!

Ps..what does a forensic accountant do? For real, just curious?

Investigates possibly criminal discrepancies in the accounting books that some people try to hide.

Gotya! It sounded more like searching bodies thoughout accounting offices :D
(Bet you hear that way more often actually)

That was something I did for a very few years, and almost a lifetime ago!

Things chance, people change.... Following you now to see what lands on your path in life

Wow. You Sir have my respect for a diversified life! Id say you have been around the block a time or three. Well done, and a very interesting read. Seeing Hendrix play...well Im glad to see Im not the only Old Guy on this platform. Too cool.

Ill take the bait and do this in a day or so! Sounds fun!

Go for it!

I finally got it done. I tagged you and linked your post:

I am really surprised to know your facts Answer on QNo 4:
bicycle courier, taxi driver, construction worker, accountant, rum runner, tourist guide, dance school manager, mushroom picker, retail clerk, black marketeer, flower salesman (on street corners), musician, money changer, open pit miner, mill mechanic.
I love the people qho never hide their past. This is really a positive attitude and I'm so blessed to have connected with you here at steemit. You have gained lot of Love and


All the best and carry on your good work!

undoubtedly the best post in fivefacts lol

Why, thank you.

And I now challenge YOU to do your Five Facts post!

You're an interesting person like me :)

That's interesting.

I've lost it here...
My stomach curved in 890 degrees from laughter.

Hope that you didn't have to upchuck anything tasty!

I held it inside! I thought in that article there will be something more serious and wasn't prepared.
And then picture after picture it got me. You've got me! I concede!

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

once upon a time there was a tavern

This song has always touch my heart, bringing joy of memories... reminiscing old friends, time and spaces.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

What did you feel when you saw Jimi Hendrix playing his guitar with his teeth ? :D @onceuponatime


@onceuponatime.. nice question, better answers. nice to read things of your experience/life.. But what I like most is the big turn around, from no social media to Steem.. we must be doing something good here..


Jimi playing with his teeth?

Yes, it was WOW!

Your life is filled with incredible “Alegria” as I tried to write in my article today ( wouldn’t accept Spanish at first and My Link got all messed up)
There is a song I want to play for you by Maze where Franky Beverly sings :

Joy and pain like sunshine and rain

It’s kind of my life without saying much more.

Life is Beautiful indeed!

Yours is!

You are blessed!

i am so glad most of the Greek community members took up the challenge!

what mushrooms did you picked :P

I lived on the West Coast of Canada and pine mushrooms were the big money mushrooms because the Japanese would pay a fortune for them. An all cash business by the way :-)

didn't know that Japanese were some much into them and i had the idea they would import them from other Asian countries, guess those mushrooms could only be found on Canada or were high quality ones

Honored to meet you once. I respect that you did not affraid to smash your own self with humor of course. You are one of the few, which after all those problems you still are with your head up and still smile. This is the only one thing we sould never forget. Everyone. Pleased to meet you and honored too.
Thank you for sharing those facts with us.

I am honored to know you too.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Jesus, that sudden apearing of that mouth-mirror scared me)

I had the same problem with crossed-eyes. Almost fixed it after a long period of hard work when I was a kid, but still didn't completely cure it. So have to focus on one eye at a time. That damn feeling when you look at something but it doubles and blurres a little if you don't concentrate on one eye.

Planning to do a surgery in the next few years If I happen to find brilliant eye surgeon.

Yea right... your serious side! Your posts became too funny!)))

My serious side is dying to escape the bonds of his shackles and spread mystic mayhem thither and yon (or maybe that's thither and yaan?)

Yea, who needs the shackles, they hinder people from creating what they really want to create.

hahah had a good time enjoying this lol

My tip jar is by the entrance :-)

This is hilarious
You are funnyman

Coming from Mark Zuckerburger that's a real compliment.

Hi @onceuponatime.
I try to comment though less understood.
which I know your post is terrible,
like the day of payback where everyone gets it.

success always from me @mawardy

I know my post is terrible too! Let's hope no one else notices though.

hehe .
I hope so . if people who do not notice do not know the purpose of the image.
unless the person can read the picture.
greetings from me @mawardy

Wow!!! You traveled so much!! And you went to the Himalayas!! That is some cool life experiences right there. I just started traveling more now after graduating from university!!, hopefully I will get to explore this big beautiful world as much as you did!!. :)

Loved your chosen format for this post.

You sound an interesting fella - someone I'd enjoy chatting to.

Great imagery too.

Be well.


xox? blush

I like your 4 number fact, honesty is a great thing. Thanks for sharing facts about you

Oh my! Question and answer time. I love how they went. And I love those 5 facts about you.

Thanks for reading!

Haha, you seem like such a fun guy to be around! I simply love the unique way you format and add comedy to you blogs. They truly are really entertaining!

Have you always posted comedy blogs like this since the beginning? Or did you have multiple phases in your blog-posting career? I had started my blog posts with life-related themes but soon discovered it wasn't my thing. Recently, I realized I had a huge passion of crypto and started posting daily (hopefully) crypto news and I find it a lot more fun.

It's important to have fun. Suffer in comfort as my bro would say.

I feel I just watched a documentary movie about @onceuponatime! Actually I don't have such amazing and bad experiences either. Therefore this is amazing! I think this is the first time you revealed about yourself that much!
You said you went to India and Himalayas. I hope you will plan to visit Sri Lanka as well. When comparing with Himalayas this country has no such mysterious! For your adventure life I think this is also well suited!
Have a great day ahead!


I hear that it is always Springtime in Kandy.

Yes, it's a pretty good climate! Better than my area!


haha ...! .......You are an amazing personality sir ...
please visit india again....

I think that Steemfest 5 should be in India!

It should be in India steemfest5 I'll definitely coming out.

Haha, you are very frank Manshourk very cool, and the most cool blog in which a kind of laughter but purposeful, I wish more of you and good luck my brother

l I really wanna know the stories behind the three times that you just had the clothes on your back! I like the added light touch of saying "so far..." too lol. I'm sure you have a prosperous future still!

@onceuponatime. ......Wow really i felt very impressed alot.There are a lot of stories behind every single answer you gave. Sounds to me a very interesting and accomplished life you have had so far. Your photo making is also awesome and also related to the situations of the stories you posted really very nice..your really too funny bro ..i liked a lot your sories...thank you for sharing with us.....

"Sounds to me a very interesting and accomplished life"

Felt more like one failure after another :-)

rum runner

Lol Like, you ran under the influence, ooorrr? ;)

We are all under the influence of something, aren't we? A few are able to choose their influence, most aren't.

This is very true!
I know I'm under the influence. Lol

I really liked and enjoyed this one!! :)) Congrats!!

Well well done! What is next?

Doris gets her oats :-)

...and you think
I'm an Englishman in Greece,
or fan of the Beatles,
Not even google helps me...

I guess you are beyond help, then. :-)

Probably yes :)
But it's Doris, it's smile,
Something good smells in sight

I just happen to have a copy of "Jitterbug Perfume" with me.

Well... what if oat is the missing ingredient of the perfume...?

really interesting sir @onceuponatimeNice post beautiful presented and explained. detail oriented with nice video. thank you for sharing
have a good day

I hope that you have a great day too!

@onceuponatime - Sir I'm not asking how & why? But the success you made today, I think you made the success of your life due to all these failures... Incredible post Sir... I learn a lot from this post...
Question: Tell us, @onceuponatime,
have you ever lost everything you own but the clothes on your back?

Answer (Fact 1):
Yes, 3 times........... so far..........


wow sir..this is brilliant..you have presented the things in the est way..actually i would not have presented them that way..i ould not have even think about it..but here you are..you have presented it in a very interesting way..i think in the best way..dont misunderstand that im exaggerating this stuff..NO..you have done it nicely and i don't know any other way to tell it..that is all :)

Well, I will be able to face my last breath as a happy man, knowing that I have done it "nicely". Thanks for the encouragement!

Chose 'which eye to focus' and 'see through me' provoked my smile. Wish you all the best !

Do you get provoked easily?

This depends on the mood sir . Sometimes we are 'prepared' to be provoked and sometimes we are spontaneously with the good sense of the word , like happened in this case..

don't know but it was way cooler than i expected it to be

Have you set your expectations too low?

Indeed this is one of the greatest post I saw in this challenge! you are funny and an example for all of us, it's a big deal to start over once again, but to start over three times needs determination and a special mindset and you definitely got it! Glad you chose Steemit as your social media and you are sharing with us your experience.

The first phrases of the fact no. 4 were so funny. :)) But this no. 4 fact confirms that you always had the eyes on the prize!

You had until now such an outstanding life, keep living like this!
Thanks for sharing with us these five facts! Wish you a great and productive week!

I have to be productive all week? Can't I have day off? :-)

:)) You make your own schedule, so I guess you could take at least one day off!

Phewww. Thank you!

You know how to be original :), @onceuponatime! These photos are respectful!

Thanks for the compliment.

its a wonderful post you just rediscovered your self

Just when I had given up looking!

It sounded from your previous posts that you are not a great fun of social media, to tell the truth me too. But somehow steemit made you to open yourself and start to share more of you. If it is really not a joke then it sounds like you tried any possible job I find it good because only then you can value the how some people have to work hard to earn for living. I am pretty sure now you have everything behind you and really enjoying your life and this is the right thing, it sounds you have done everything right. I hope in real life you also have good friends around, does not necessary need to be 4669 like your followers but a few good ones who always there you need them :)

Yes, I don't think that quite all of my 4 1/2 thousand "followers" are going to pass the "friend" test.

I really like this facts based post. However, for some reason, the pain-filled aspect of this photo has stuck in my mind and I'm unable to get over it. Sometimes, life comes to us in a very cruel form:

Excellent work @onceuponatime.

Steem On!

Aw, you'll get over it. Try shopping.

To see Jimi play in person let alone the teeth strings moment is awesome!

Well, in a word, yes!

Good evening onceuponatime :D!
I read with much interest your beautiful and open hearted presentation of yourself, I know is answering 5 questions really but you do show yourself really!
The truth is that, you have intrigued my curiosity so much more now than before.
So a question that comes straight to my mind is this: If you had to do it all over again, would you do it? Would you skip something? Would you alter anything? Or would you go all the way the same again?
I do understand if you do not answer my question but I would like an honest one :)!
And I have to say that I still consider you a "compatriot" eventhough I see now you are not. We do share the same love for the same places though ;)
Have a beautiful night :D

I have already done my 5 Facts About Me, and you haven't even done one. Sorry, I can't do all of the heavy lifting in this relationship :-)

As soon as I will become a big celebrity of steemit like yourself I will do maybe a 10 Facts About Me. But I am still a baby in here, a Wannabe :)! Is the Big Stars that catch the eye right?
Have a beautiful day :D!!!

They don't have to be BIG FACTS. You could start out with a couple of little ones. As a matter of fact, let's face the facts! Nobody on steemit, who you didn't already know before you joined, knows anything about you.

The fact is, you could be just a figment of your brother's imagination (a leftover fantasy friend from childhood perhaps) that he is now milking for a second steemit sock-puppet account. I have several myself :-)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Hahahahahahaha, seriously you made me laugh lol!!!! :D!!!!
But yes I am a real person and I made a little presentation of myself just before which I know you've seen and thank you for your vote and your help in general. You've been very kind :)!
I can understand what you mean though, it's a totally new world this one in steemit and anybody can be anyone and anything I guess. As it happens so often with the social media in general.
But hey you know what? That's how we learn in life!
P.S. a photo with my brother

Dear @onceuponatime and dear sis, alright now I am convinced that Lord Vader of Steemit has a sense of humor hahaha! I mean, I had people on social media and Yahoo Answers (remember this epic platform, Alina?) calling me Jeffrey Dahmer, Charles Manson, a retarded version of Leonardo Di Caprio (there was a time I looked like him I guess) among other "celebrities" but I never thought that someone would accuse me of "creating" my own sister hahahaha. I hope you were joking Darth, otherwise I will start believing that the only reason you're in Greece is ouzo for real ;)



Is ouzo for real? I thought it was just another Greek myth :-)

He He...You got me there Lord Vader, good one ;)

After reading this precious reading I have seen that you have taken advantage of your life.
You are a very talented person. And the most amazing thing you have known how to enjoy your life that is the most important thing to enjoy since many people do not know how to take advantage of it. Today more than ever you have to have yourself as an example of how to lead a good life and know how to take advantage of it.


I never said it was enjoyable :-)

wow your life seems pretty interesting! That's a loooot of jobs you had haha but mushroom picker? :)) Never heard of that one before ;) And hey you've even been to Germany! My home country. You traveled quite a bit, I love that. Your journey feels like a roller coaster. Everything is in it. Feels like there's nothing you didn't do :D I really enjoyed reading it. Wish you the best!

Munich by any chance?

I've been there. Beautiful city ;)

Your nose looks like a clit hahaha :-)

I’m surpised I haven’t noticed you on here. Good to know you.

I guess that, especially in your case, clits are in the eye of the beholder :-)

No offense whatsoever, I’m just talking about the photoshop effect, not your actual face!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I love your new selfie, I really wanted to see you. I have not visited so many countries so far, I would love to see the cities you've seen. So do I have a degree in Economics and Business Management. I know it was not easy to talk about you, but I'm glad I found so many new things. You are a special person and I wish you a lot of health and happiness.

Creative selfies :) I see you as an ageless being. Thank You for giving us your trust in regards to your life story

Thanks for stopping by!

My pleasure!!!

Agree very much on the final fact :)
Wow this is really a detailed post, I should find the time to take on this challenge ... you've led a very awesome life

" I should find the time to take on this challenge"
OK, but careful. It's a jungle out there :-)

That ain't no lie!! Sure is .. especially the parts of the world I hang out :)

My problem is, it's a jungle "in here" too! All kinds of weird and ferocious creatures lurking in the depths of my psyche :-)

Hello @onceuponatime
It is really wonderful getting to read these five amazing facts about you

My very first selfie was only a few years ago too.

I am astonished at the above though, does it mean being a liberal didn't afford you the opportunity to take selfies even when you are all alone and then keep for yourself?

"being a liberal"? What's that?

Oh sorry I actually meant to say "loner" rather than "liberal"

I tried to keep the number of photos of myself as close to zero as possible for most of my life. That's all. Just a weird eccentricity :-)

I love your Honest 5 facts... Cheers for No.3 . I too am a freak accident on this planet. Social recluse ! ... You come across as a man with X-Ray Vision . A Sherlock Holmes type of sceptic. Fascinating, @onceuponatime :) . You are quite a traveller, physically and spiritually :)

Next I'm going for AXE-Ray vision. I'm tired of X-Ray vision.

OUCH !!! .... Your Axe-Ray vision sends chills up the spine !!
Blood gonna get smeared and splashed ? :D :D :D
Jokes apart, AXE-Ray vision is much needed in the world today.
Go for it. @onceuponatime :)

Just replace the sword with an axe and I can see the avatar for a blog "Axe-Ray Vision!"


I like this Avatar (with the axe replacing the sword).

THE AXE of TRUTH by Axe-Ray Vision !! :D :D :D

And all of photos telling look like illusional life.I like that

Nice of you to say so.

Wow... I'm sincerely impressed that you would even agree to DO this (as a fellow loner/private person) and also with the sincerity and candidness of your responses. Thanks for the share... relate to your point 5 in a strangely parallel-but-different sort of way.

There's no fool like an old fool :-)

It is impossible to do so much in one life! Are you 100 years old ??? )))

Sure feels like to sometimes!

I see you're an introvert. Must be tough taking up this challenge... But why did you distort all of your pics? :D

Especially for you.

Thank you for sharing this! I really like how you almost narrate it in a sense that’s tells a story. I always love to hear where people have been and what their story is.

With a name like "onceuponatime" you just gotta know that I have some stories :-)

Hello there @onceuponatime, subsequent to perusing every one of that actualities of yours,

I have a feeling that this post was an exceptionally intense call for you being a genuine private individual.

I regard your straight forward answers here.

Am to some degree having that same attributes of shielding my security from anybody. Also, an uncommon individual you are that you just do selfie that few times.

In any case, you have great instruction, multi skilled, have gone the world over and most vital of all you have seen Jimi Hendrix play guitar with his teeth face to face. That was one uncommon experience. In my decision...

you have seen and done this world... that was an entirety of incredible voyage of yours. My two thumbs up. Have a wonderful night

I wanted to see Jimi play the guitar with his tongue - but he died before he got around to it I guess :-)

Well, this was enjoyable to read! Sounds like you've had quite the adventurous, albeit lone-wolf, life!

This is so interesting. I have read many facts that actually surprised me. First of all... You have been a dance school manager? Very interesting since you may know I am a dancer for many years..

"Yes, and very much a loner. Socially inept. As a matter of fact until steemit I had avoided any social media like the plague. I was shocked to find myself here" - same over here. I deleted all my social media accounts many years ago and Steemit was the first platform where I posted pictures and content about myself. Thanks for sharing

As far as dancing goes, those who can "do". Those who can't "manage" :-)

If you've seen Jimi Hendrix play the guitar with his teeth, you've seen 99% of life already! Thats amazing!

I'm pretty sure that the latest research puts the figure at 99.372% :-)

Sorry to ruin this but I'm not sure what that means?

You said that seeing Hendrix play with his teeth is 99% of life already, I informed you that the latest scientific research proves that it is actually a full 99.372% of life, not just 99%

Why +0.372 and not 100%?

I'm sure that if you would like to sponsor the scientific research with grant or two, they will come up with any figure you wish :-)

Hahahahha! Now finally I get it.

I am new here on steemit and happy to see amazing people like you. Thanks for sharing wonderful facts about you!

What an amazing life's journey! Here's to many more wonderful years!!

Please give me a link to one of your posts. All I can find is dozens and dozens and dozens of re-steems.

Cool! I had a meal like that at a Japanese restaurant in Acapulco.

How about a link to your "introduceyourself"post?

That's awesome! And you can check out my introductory post here. It's nice to meet you.


Nice! I'm sorry I missed it when you first posted.

No worries! I'll see you around the Steemit community :)

Interesting post buddy,keep it up.Followed and upvoted you.

I needed to resteem this... I can hardly imagine how you really offered an explanation to this test!

Thank you for telling your story, it was wonderful, life, experiences, considering the story of your life, you are a successful person with many accumulated experiences, and that is the best advantage of wishing you more success.

@onceuponatime Those are some amazing photoshop skills!!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Good photos ! good feelings !

Much obliged to you for recounting your story, it was brilliant, life, encounters, thinking about the account of your life, you are a fruitful individual with many aggregated encounters, and that is the best favorable position of wishing you more achievement..
Upvoted and resteemed

good newes

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Haha, you are exceptionally forthcoming Manshourk extremely cool, and the coolest blog in which a sort of giggling however intentional, I wish a greater amount of you and good fortunes my sibling.
Upvoted and resteemed

Where do I find the price of Steem Power?

great post that was quite nice to know :D

those eyes thought haha they carry magic in them

Ne kadar detaylı bir post. Hep özenli tebrikler sevgili 🙋‍♀️

I bet you say that to all the guys!

you doing you really great work man great post

i love the facts that you have. i am impressed thnk u for sharing your life facts with us @onceuponatime

A perfect man @onceuponatime with perfect qualities.

Interesting Topic :smile: