5 Fun Facts About Saffisara πŸ’–

in fivefacts β€’Β  7 years agoΒ  (edited)

So this is a little new to me to share things people might not know about me πŸ˜‰
But I will try to do my best and hope I still have friends afterwards πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚hahaha


I was nominated by my Awsome friend @ameliabartlett and I'm so happy to have got to know you sweetie πŸ€— You are Amazing!


Things you probably already know about me is that I love photography and especially black&white.
Flowers are my favorite objects.
I have pets in my life that I share from time to time and I work in preschool with small children and loove it very much.

OK now to the things you might NOT know!

Fact 1


I can't Cook

This is really embarrassing 😁
I always do easy things for dinner as I never been much of a cook fan.
I have experimented at times in the past but as my luck is it was barley eateble πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚hahaha
But there was a time I did cook after Finnished a
boarding school were my major was cooking!
(yes unbelievable right) 😲
Then I cooked everyday but I lost it and now after maaaany years I just need to find my way back again.... Lol

Fact 2


Childhood model

I was a model for a short period of time as a chubby kid. But was way to shy and discovered l loved being behind the camera rather than in front of it so that is a thing I don't share often.

Fact 3


Playing the Piano

I can't read notes at all, it's all like ⏺️⏹️⏸️⏏️ to me πŸ™„
I learn by listening to someone playing and watching hands and knowing the melody from heart. Then I find my own way and learn to play.
By ear!
Only problem is if someone ask me to change the note πŸ€”πŸ˜• what note did I play just now?
Seing my problem? 😁😁lol

Fact 4


I once wrote a zombie story

I'm not a writer and storys are not my usual things. But after a fever and imagination that run wild I went out of my comfort zone and wrote a story. Also drew a zombie by accident and he became the head character πŸ˜‰
Here's the story if you want to read it.

Fact 5



I have went fishing a lot as a kid and love camping and such.
But I'm just a fishing disaster 😁 I do get fish sometimes but NEVER without incidents.
I eather get the hook stuck in a tree as I'm throwing.
Or I get someones hat on the hook (happened last time) lol
Or I just fall in the water myself or break something. I guess if your fishing with me you better be prepared with armor πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚hahaha


OK so that was my 5 facts and I hope you learned something new and I know may not be in a good way πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ sorry about that!

I just have to nominate @topkpop, @enginewitty and @dswigle
Like to know 5 facts about you!

©️ Cartoon made in https://Bitmoji.com and my Samsung galaxy S3

Thank you for reading and stopping by!
Stay just as you are my beautiful friends 😘

Much Love πŸ’–


designed by @enginewitty

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Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

@saffisara - Wow - I had not imagined you as a kind of person who would write a zombie story. Was fun to know.
Thanks for sharing. Upvoted

@vm2904 friendly neighborhood lion from #thealliance

Hey my friend πŸ€— Yes that zombie story Suprised many apparently.. Lol even myself.. Lol
But it was fun to write and I have no idea were it all came from πŸ˜‰
Have a wonderful day and stay Awesome! Cheers!

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

oh my! That was a good list. The fishing thing with the tree made me laugh. I definitely didn't know about the childhood model thing (although that doesn't surprise me in the least). But chubby then? psht no! I don't think so. Hehe I see I am nominated. I will have to think some up as I tend to be an oversharer and a bit of an open book, but I am sure I can come up with a few.

Hey darling 😊 Yes it seem like my fishing disaster is a favorite or the zombie 😁😁lol
Yes that model time wasn't my favorite time and not many knows about it but it was an experience and Yes I was chubby kid at least that what the agency said 😜
Not a great place for a teenage girl.. Lol
Yes I nominated you and can't wait to se what you come up with πŸ€— I'm also a open book but apparently we all have some things we haven't shared.. Lol
Talk to you soon sis... Missed you πŸ€—πŸ˜πŸ˜˜

I remember your zombie story it was great

And interesting to learn these fun facts

πŸ‘©β€πŸ³ πŸ™‹β€β™€οΈπŸŽ£

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ (edited)

Yes he is my favorite zombie πŸ˜‰ Zeldion!
That was fun to write and your support helped a lot. Yes my amazing Amelia that I adopted she really challenge me.. Lol and this was something I had fun writing but probably hadn't by myself.
Love the emoij Jay 😊 πŸ‘±πŸŽ£πŸŽ© lol
#fishhaturday lol

Ohh you adopted her she is so lucky πŸ€

It came across so well 😎

Yes I adopted her and I am so lucky to have gotten to know her.
She is amazing and such a humble and fun person. Also gets me to do things like this... Lol
How's your adoption going?

For some weird reason I left mine open for a week
I have three to choose from I think I know who I will pick

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

The last fact is a fun hobby

Yes it really is a lot of fun πŸ˜‰

Yay for @saffisara! This is fun. I'm about to write one of these myself, thanks to @ameliabartlett. :) I'm more comfortable behind the camera, like you β€” and I play piano by ear, too, though I do want to learn to read music and play well... some day. Big yes to the people you nominated. I'm looking forward to those!

Okay, I'm off to write my 5 things post.

...fun fun fun fun .... Steemit is fun...

Hey Awsome girl πŸ€— so you're about to write one yourself? Yeay! Can't wait to read it!
Seems like we have a lot in common there and I thought I was the only one not be able to read notes... Lol like being an πŸ‘½ or something.. Lol
Really fun comment, made me smile.
Have a wonderful evening and I will read yours when it's done 😊 big hug πŸ€—

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

hello friend I liked your post a lot, I also like cooking a lot, greetings

Thank you very much 😊 have a wonderful week

Fun facts about you, this is great to hear and get to know you much more. Well done friend your awesome.

Awww.. Thank you so much my friend 😊
Was a little unsure what to write about, my fear of heights or? 😁😁hahaha
But I guess it turned out ok. Have a wonderful week and stay just as you are. πŸ€—

hahaπŸ˜„ looved the zombie one!
great to know u a bit better 😍😁

Aww.. Thank you sweetie 😊 Yes that was an unexpected one but really fun πŸ€—
Have a wonderful week and stay just as you are my friend. Cheers! πŸ’•

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

I just learnt some interesting things about you from this post @saffisara.
I enjoyed the fishing aspect more, Lol.πŸ˜€

Thank you very much @emjoe πŸ˜‰
Yeah my fishing skills are dangerous... Lol
Glad you liked it. Have a great sleep as I know you went to bed and I was as well but ended up here 😜 again!

that's great, the fivefacts posts, it's the first one I've seen
high five to Alpha fam from a Gamma <3

Thank you so much my friend πŸ˜‰ yes it was fun to write but hard to decide what to write.. Lol
Have a wonderful day sweetie and High five Gamma 😊

Zombi story , this is something interesting and nice to know more about you...;-)

@adityajainxds #thealliance

Thank you! Yes that zombie story Suprised a lot of people.. Lol
Have a wonderful day. Cheers!

My favorite is fact #4 lol I think that was highly unexpected @saffisara thank you for keeping the site fun and entertaining.

Ohh my Zeldion story was your favorite? πŸ˜†
Happy to hear that. I Suprised myself there to I tell ya πŸ˜‰ but it was really fun and I realized that I could write if I only decided to.
The imagination is there for sure..... Lol
Thank you very much. Have a wonderful week my friend. Cheers!

I will do mine soon, you have my word. Doesn't surprise me about the model bit, you are pretty gosh darn cute hey! I remember that zombie story! Was awesomeness.

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ (edited)

Can't wait to se what you have to share 😜 lol
Thank you very much.. makes me blush 😊 lol
That model time wasn't my favorite time but an experience for sure.
Yes that zombie story was fun to write but crazy.
Cheers Awsome πŸ€—

Nice to read this:-) I also enjoy camping and fishing, still I haven't been fishing in 20 years... But camping happens know and then.
Nice model pics of you, but I fully understand your feelings about being on photo, I love it behind the camera as well.

Thank you so much my friend 😊
Yes camping and fishing is fun, I don't do it as often anymore eather sadly.
You feel that way to? πŸ˜‰ more comfortable behind the camera than behind it.. Lol
It was an experience but I never regret walking away from that.
Have a wonderful weekend. Cheers! πŸ€—

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

haha great fun facts. And now, off to read your zombie story.

Thank you so much 😊 yes you do that.. Lol
Ohh you already did... Lol
It was a fun writing but very much outside of my zone. Have a wonderful weekend. Cheers!

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

Wonderful fun facts!! Sounds like you don't really want to cook more than you can't! Lol I bet a little practice would go a long way! Your dish is nicely laid out and artistic plating! You should try to get back on the horse! Just don't try cooking while fishing.... That is beyond novice level stuff! Or you could get good enough cooking where you go fishing and just do the cooking! That almost sounds like a safer bet!! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Anywho fun facts were full of surprises!

Thank you so much my friend!
Yes I think you might be right about that 😁 lol
But I really wish I loved to cook and I'm working on learning a little.. Lol
Ohh.. Right no cooking while fishing.. Got ya!
Your comment made me smile for sure.. Lol
Love your sence of humor.
Glad you liked the post and facts, seem like many were a little surprised.. Lol
Have a wonderful weekend. Cheers! πŸ€—

This is wonderful! πŸ˜‚ I have learned so much about you in this one post. Please post a video of you playing piano sometime! And those childhood modeling photos... so 2000s. I love it. Thank you for joining me in this silly game!

Aww.. Thank you so much my dear Amelia πŸ€—
You really have made a change in the short time I've known you, this post and made me do a freewrite 😲 that I never thought I ever do πŸ˜‚
I'm glad you liked this and got to know a little about me.. Lol
Thank you for being so amazing and I'm really happy to have you in my life πŸ€—πŸ˜˜

The fact that you can play by ear points out your talent. You should probably spend more time on it.

Awww... Thank you so much 😊 so sweet!
I never thought of it as a talent before, more of a curse 😁😁hahaha
But I know today I'm not the only one and how I can use the "ear"
Have a wonderful weekend. Cheers! πŸ’•

Camping is but far my favorite summertime activity!

Yes I know right? πŸ˜‰ and who doesn't love being out in the nature.. Sleep under the stars.. Lol

Thought this post was pretty splendiferous
so it has been included in
the latest issue of 'Notes'.
Pop over and see what the fam is up to!

Thank you very much, appreciate it 😊

I remember the Zeldion!!!

And I had no idea that you used to do modeling.

I can't cook very well either. And there was one time I almost caused the kitchen to catch on fire... But I don't want to say more!

Yes I love my Zeldion 😊 might be my only story written in my life... Lol
I was modeling only a short times as I was to shy and nervous, mostly my face but it was not my lifes passion πŸ˜‰
So you almost cause fire in the kitchen hu? 😁
You have to tell me that story some time my friend.
I hope you are having a great week and are doing well. Missed you πŸ€— cheers!

It is probably the craziest story you have heard from me!

You think? 😁😁hahaha
Then you know you have to tell me or I will bug you till you do spell it πŸ˜‰ lol

That was fun. You are fun. I like your sense of freedom. Nicely done.

AWwww.. Thank you so much my friend 😊
Means a lot to me.
Happy Friday. Cheers! πŸ€—

I loved reading the five facts about you. Everyone has surprising stories and pasts and it is is great to be able to get you a little bit better. Thank you!

Thank you so much my friend πŸ˜‰ I'm glad you liked it. It is a great way to get to know someone better.. Lol
So fun to read this again it's been a while.
Have a wonderful evening and I'm glad to get to know you sweetie πŸ€— Cheers!

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