Your Buyer Requests will be posted and managed by you.
You can make a Buyer's Request if you can't find what you're looking for or if you have a specific request.
You may now submit your suggestion to the Fiverr community. If your request fulfills a seller's criteria,
the seller will make you an offer that you can review and accept if it meets your requirements.
Requesting a Buyer:
Log in > Edit your profile > Change your profile picture Send a Message (from the drop-down menu)
Summary Briefly describe the service you're looking for.
For instance, if you need a logo, you can give your company name, type of business, preferred color, and
so on. You can upload a file, however only files up to 5 GB are allowed.
Choose a category and a subcategory (some categories may require more information or criteria).
Choose "Logo Design" from the "Graphics & Design" category, for example, if you're seeking a logo.
Choose a delivery date for your service: Whether it's 24 hours, three days, seven days, or something else
entirely— Choose from one to ninety days for delivery.
Fill in the blanks > Post
A Buyer Request can only be deleted or amended after it has been submitted.
Until Fiverr authorizes it, your request is marked as Pending. If your request is denied, it will be marked
Unapproved, and you will receive an email stating why.
Learn how to make a Buyer Request with these helpful hints >
Offers on Buyer Request
You thoroughly considered your requirements, submitted a request that included all pertinent details,
and was kind in your approach. What do you do now that the offers are pouring in?
First, weed out offers from sellers who failed to read your request. You want sellers who can
demonstrate that they understand your problems, how they can help you solve them, and who can back
it up with expertise.
Second, have a look at the profiles of the sellers. Read their reviews, check out their Gigs, and if you like
what you see, mark them as a favorite by clicking the heart icon in the upper right corner of their Gigs.
Continue until you have a small number of prospects to choose from. Message the vendors to learn
more about how they can assist, the cost, and any samples they have available, or order $5 basic Gigs
from each seller as a test. Examine each seller's track record before selecting your favorite.
You might suspend your request if you are still receiving many offers. You are not obligated to make a
decision or respond to each proposal as it arrives.
Taking care of requests:
Log in > Edit your profile > Change your profile picture Using the drop-down menu, manage requests.
Select one of the following options from the Action drop-down box if your request is approved:
Due to a large number of offers, you may choose to suspend your request.
Boost: Use this option to move your request to the head of the queue. Make the "Boost" date the date
of the request. Each approved request is only eligible for one boost. If you choose this, you will see the
label "Boosted" next to your request.
To remove your request, use the delete button.
Buyer requests that haven't been updated in 14 days (new offers/boosting) will expire.
If your request has been accepted and the sellers have submitted their offers > Examine the available
Next to Review Offers, you'll see how many offers you've gotten.
Sort the offers by date, price, delivery time, ratings, or reviews.
Acceptance of a Gig Now is the time to purchase
Before making a purchase, click on a seller's username > Review their profile. Page of the Seller's Gig
Learns more about the vendor by going to their website.
Before placing an order, get in touch with the vendor. Please get in touch.
Note: If you want to withdraw an offer, go to > Remove Offer. Offer Cancelled
As a result, you'll be able to see more offers in place of the ones you've already rejected.
The status of Buyer Requests
Sellers can see your Gig request as active if it is available.
Your Gig request has been paused and is no longer active.
For instance, if your request has received enough offers, you might pause it.
Pending: A request's status is pending until it is approved by Fiverr.
Unapproved: Your request will be tagged Unapproved if it does not fulfill the proper standards set by our
content team.
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