Evening Thoughts of a Q Reader Continued.... Flake is flying with the wind.

in flake •  6 years ago  (edited)

Flake's flying with the winds.  And right now those winds are coming from POTUS.  But remember the Senator is looking for a media gig when he leaves office and that probably will not be FOX News.  It would be nice to see him vote for Kavanaugh.  Could it be that "the Plan" was always to open a door for the Democrats to commit political suicide.  We cannot help that they chose to jump through that door with gusto.  But maybe Jeff Flake was enlisted to open the door for them in 2018?  Flake might not even know how he is being used here.

How many doors were opened for the Democrat Party and the Never Trumpers to commit political suicide over the last 20 months?  And why do they always choose to enter that room?  The answer: Pathological folks cannot help themselves. We all know one or two.  Especially, liars.  They tend to be a little paranoid with the reflexes of a cat.  Without the extra lives.  The better ones enter politics because those that are really in "charge" can control them with blackmail or booty.  Sad really.

Trump understands this and it has been part of his M.O. from the jump.  If you know your enemy it makes it easier.  Meanwhile the #walkaway movement picks  up steam because "normal" folks do not normally associate with "known" pathological liars.

In the sixties we did not trust the Government because , among other things, Vietnam; Lucky for America, we now have added the Main Stream Media and their "Fake News" to the list.  We trust folks over 30 now so we have changed that opinion.

As for the effect it has on elections in a few weeks, the polls have to start telling the truth to preserve their credibility.  Remember they all pretty much said that Trump would lose in 2016.  No one believes them now since they are a tool of the LEFT.

Now they are trapped by having to report our "RED" wave.  Trump at 50 percent with Rasmussen.  All of their red state Senators are going down.  Look for Florida to swing our way too.  Thank the Bernie voters in the Primaries for picking losers.

The vote for Kavanaugh is on Saturday.  I'll be buying myself a good wheat beer to celebrate at a local micro brewery.  That way I will support the Trump economy at the same time.   I wonder how Feinstein and Schumer will celebrate on Saturday?

With the Democrat Party on the edge of oblivion, what will replace it?  The rats will jump off the body as it falls over the cliff and we must watch to avoid them taking up residence in the Libertarian or Republican Parties.  I guess the Green Party is red enough.

For now, events like the Kavanaugh confirmation shows that real reform is needed in the GOP.  They also need to learn how to be a majority party or they will never hold onto that title for long.  Trump is showing the way, but is the lesson holding?  2019 will probably see another SC pick.  And after the Obama Care fiasco with Chief Justice Roberts, maybe he can be encouraged to retire also.  I will not forget his sins.  To conclude, the future is as bright as we wish to work for it.  Are we ready to lead for a change?

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