Putting Your Will In God's Will

in flaminghelpers •  7 years ago 

"... not what I want ..."
Matthew 26.39


Every person desiring to be used by God must be ready to give up his plans and desires to fulfill His will, following the example of Jesus. Sometimes, for God to be glorified, you will be called to subdue your human will. Not easy, but unavoidable. The goal is to subjugate your personal ambition to that of God.

Behind every sacrifice, you will see the glory of God.

Was Joshua's desire to turn around Jericho several times? Did his human logic make sense? Did Abraham, in his heart, desire to sacrifice his son Isaac? Moses, at the age of eighty, dreamed of leading a rebellious people for forty years in a desert rather than living their old days in peace? Did the human nature of Jesus want the cross? No, but everyone has submitted to the will of the heavenly Father so that the divine glory may be manifested.

God will not necessarily ask for painful sacrifices. Moreover, in many cases it will validate your project, however when it will assign you a direction then it will submit your personal will to his own saying "Not what I want, but what you want ...".

Behind every sacrifice, you will see the glory of God. The walls of Jericho fell. Isaac became the father of Israel and Abraham was called the friend of God. Moses was a powerful liberator who saw the glory of God as few people. And what about Jesus ... Make the choice to submit to God.

A prayer for today

Lord, I come before you humbly, I submit my will to You, Amen.

Photo by Lubomyr Myronyuk on Unsplash
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He is our sole provider and theres none like Him

Amen! He is the all in all in our lives.


Thanks for sharing those deep thoughts, God always has better plans for his Children, every trials and challenges we go through is to make us stronger and better.

Yes @jglowsinger God has the perfect plan for us and we just have to fit in it.

Thank you for sharing this message @seyioudus.

Sometimes, for God to be glorified, you will be called to subdue your human will. Not easy, but unavoidable. The goal is to subjugate your personal ambition to that of God.

Our will should also be subdued and in line with God's will and the glory of God will be seen! Blessings!

It's my pleasure. Thanks for your selfless services.

When Yeshua said "Not my will, but Yours be done" (Luke 22:42) He was speaking the exact opposite of the doctrine of Satan. The devil has deceived people into believing "Do as thou will is the whole of the law". This is a lie, just like the serpent in the garden deceived Eve when he said "You will be like God, knowing good and evil (for yourself)." No, it is the will of our Father in Heaven that determines good and evil. Not our will.

The whole of the law is this:

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself. All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” Matthew 22:37-40

We must always look towards doing what is good by the standard of our Father in Heaven, and not allow our own will to be placed above HIS will. We should pray like our Master prayed:

May Your will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven. Matthew 6:10


Amen! The will of God is what we should know for our lives and so we will be able to do the right thing.
Bless you.

Thank you! Bless the Most High! @ironshield

you motivated me this morning thanks girl for sharing

You are welcome, girl.

are you on discord want to chat with you

Same name as here.

Very true ma @seyiodus. For us to be able to fulfill God's will for our lives, we have to forget about ours and hide ours inside His. Our will comes with distractions but God's own come with challenges and solutions with it.

thank you!