A Girl and a Dragon

in flash •  5 years ago 

"Oh, dear dragon [with the heart tattoo on your butt], don't run away," said a little fighter girl, trying to conceal her tears, "we fought in so many battles together, and this tattoo... when you'd shown it to me the first time, you said it meant that we were going to be friends forever, and nothing could take us apart, and stuff"

The dragon sadly looked at the empty space before him, his eyes were unfocused and dreamy, his thoughts floated somewhere else,

"You know what, little girl," the dragon said finally, "I gave you that promise, but it wasn't really me. We, dragons, change our personalities every five years, you know, all our brain cells are gradually getting replaced with other brain cells, and eventually, we turn into different persons. So now I look at you, and what I can see is just a little girl wrestler full of doubts and wearing a weird white-violet leotard. And according to our tradition, violet symbolizes violence, and also it's a flag of our rival kingdom, in other words, it's all messed up... my feelings, you know,"

The little girl slowly turned away, then turned back. Now she had a hand grenade in her hand, and there were no tears in her eyes, only the feverish determination to do something violent.

Also, what she initially thought was a dragon turned out to be, in fact, a scorpion that hypnotized her and infused in her mind this illusion that she talked to the dragon and stuff.

Also, the girl recalled that she never actually knew any dragons, never talked to one and was always certain that they didn't exist. The only thing that connected her to dragons was the dragon tattoo she had on some part of her body, which is why everybody called her "the girl with the dragon tattoo." Also, she was a brilliant hacker, but at that moment, she just wanted to blow something up. With a formidable growl, she hurled the grenade into the yawning scorpion's (whatever it's called) orifice located on the front part of its head. Boom.

"It won't work, little fighter girl," the Scorpio said with a suppressed smirk, "first of all, I'm not even here. And the second, all this is a controlled lucid dream, which you experience at the moment. You can manipulate the dream, though you cannot wake up. This is how it works. And it means that we'll fight. According to my rules. And the winner takes all."

The girl thought what this "the winner takes all might mean." She hadn't much time though because the Scorpio was already performing a classical gambit, thrashing its tail from side to side and purring ominously. The girl rolled the wheel, checking what weapons she had at the moment. There was a machine gun with a couple of spare magazines, a bazooka, a couple of hand grenades, (which she dismissed out of hand, remembering her previous experience with hand grenades) and, finally, a massive time-space continuum ripping thermometer bomb. This was something she decided to try. She pressed the button switching the device on, after which a sinister hum started emanating from somewhere, filling the space around with sinister hum. Then suddenly the Scorpio disappeared, the universe exploded with a loud boom - clang - hiss, and the wrestler girl found herself falling into some deep chasm, while various artifacts and roses in pots swiftly whizzed past.

"I wonder," thought the little wrestler girl. Before the thought could fully form in her mind, she heard a booming laugh of the Scorpio, coming from all sides simultaneously.

"It's coming," thought the girl.
"It definitely does," agreed the Scorpio.
"Why there is neither darkness nor light?" asked the girl.
"Because nobody bothered to come up with words for them," explained the Scorpio, "therefore they don't exist as concepts yet. And thus they don't exist at all. If something doesn't have a word for it, it doesn't exist."
"I see," the girl said with uncertainty.

They hit the floor together, and a large cobra emerged from the ground, holding an apple in its teeth. "Eat it," hissed the cobra, spreading its hood.
"What?" The girl said.
"Eat it, it will give you the knowledge of good and evil. And stuff." The Cobra said, continuing spreading its hood threateningly.
"Ok," the girl said and took a bite. A massive bearded man emerged from somewhere carrying a trident in his muscular hand. A jeweled crown on his head produced waves of rainbow sparkles.
"You must not have eaten this apple containing the knowledge of good and evil," the bearded man said grumpily.
"Eh, why not?" The girl said.
"It will just mess up your brain," the bearded man said, "but never mind, whatever," he hit the ground with his trident and the Cobra disappeared, falling into the opened pit with horrified howls.
"You see," the bearded man said, "I can do that,"
"What for?" The girl asked.
"Just to maintain some sort of balance and the illusion of order, like everything's ok," the bearded man said, "My name is Alan, by the way, but you can call me just Daddy,"
"Yes, Daddy," the girl said.
"No, no, no," the Scorpio said, emerging from someplace where he hid during the conversation with Cobra, "It won't do. This all is becoming way too complicated, while it was supposed to be about the battle between me and this little wrestler girl. Why mix good and evil into it, let's keep it simple."
"Yes," the girl said "it's becoming,"
"I didn't know," the bearded man said, "I apologize. Let's maybe have some tea then? With cakes, I forgot how they are called,"
"I wouldn't mind," the Scorpio said, "as long as it won't evoke unnecessary recollections, you know what I mean,"
"I know," the bearded man said, "I can ensure you, it won't happen. First of all, since we are in the lucid controlled dream, and recollections don't happen in a lucid dream; the outside world stays locked outside, you know,"
The Scorpio nodded, "then we most likely will continue our battle, unless something will switch this lucid dream in another unpredictable direction, which will add more complications and characters, but, I guess, we'll figure it out, in the end."
The bearded man nodded understandingly, shrugged, and disappeared. The Scorpio and the girl stood on a small dusty arena, in the middle of an elaborate anime landscape.
"I think it's something from Miyazaki," said somebody, somewhere.
"Who's there?" the girl asked.
"Let's just fight," the Scorpio suggested.
The hand grenade exploded with a loud boom, and the Scorpio was shredded into a bunch of small pieces.
"Didn't see it coming," the Scorpio admitted.
"Yeah, that's weird," the girl agreed.

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