My globe earth realisations

in flat •  7 years ago 

Ok, this is as I see it, knowing all the flat earth claims, claims that I will admit being taken in by myself, there arose in my head What must be the slamdunker to all this flat earth well... I have to say nonsense .
The claim made by flat earthers, is that the moon doesn't reflect the suns light, it puts out its own light, and this light has different and opposing qualities to the sun
The above picture is one of many I have taken of the moon during its phases.
It is quite clear to my senses that what we see here is a ball with a light shining on it....The craters leave no doubt .
Ok so where am I going with this?
Both flat and ball earthers surely agree that the moon and sun are many thousands of miles apart right?.... ok so how does the sun light up the moon when it can't fully light up a flat world?.. it is plainly utter nonsense
In short we really need to think about what our eyes are telling us and demand more than anecdotal claims and dodgy missleading YouTube vids
If You have given flat earth any time, well done for having a mind that isn't chained be default to what you are told... but look at the astronomy before you get pulled in to an unworkable dogma of a theory with no working model. I encourage everyone to always keep an open mind ....just keep someone at the door for security purposes

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Hi Alan, Thanks for your concern... I am safe and sound and miles from the troubles I have just been banned from FB for posting a meme about Hitler shutiing down the Freemasons!. I will have my fb back in a few days but if you could leave a comment on there for me, next time you are on, that would be great as I cant comment and a few far flung people are imaginiong im crushed in some rubble somewhere! xx Love to you

So rude of me to use this post to get out my SOS : ) In regards to this post, it is hard for me to see how you are overlooking the outright endless lies of NASA, the deliberate obfuscations such as coriolis, Focaults pendulum, what do you make of the experiments which show there is not spinning ie: MICHELSON-MORLEY, MICHELSON-GALE, AIRY’S FAILURE,SAGNAC EFFECT, how do you reconcile gyroscopes, periscopes, the lack of stellar parallax, the 6,000year minimum alignment with Polaris, our eyes which show us the sun is closer than we are told, hotspots etc. I accept that the moons light seems like it's own light with the naked eye, yet through a telescope, it seems as if the light source is the sun. However, without knowing what the moon and sun are, where they are, how their light/s may travel across sky, versus through atmosphere, these things are all up for reappraisal to my mind.
How do you reconcile the lack of curvature observed over any distances?
How do you reconcile the ever rising to the eye horizon line? The mechanics of water?
How do you reconcile torpedoes and rail guns being able to shoot 40-100mile distances? The latter uses a laser sight which gravity cannot effect.
Do you accept the atmosphere cannot be spinning alongside the planet like a fixed block of cheese... that if earth is spinning, the atmosphere would always be on draaag...
How about engineers never factoring in curve on railways or roads? Or any real curve equations on bridges?
All the dodgy secrecy around the poles?
The refutation of gravity as merely an unnecessary theory?
NASA faking EVAs in a pool and zero g in a plane?
How do you reconcile all the bizarre military ops to the poles?
All the ancient sailors being off in their calculations the closer they get to the south...
Have you seen any proof of the 24hr sun in Antarctica?
The vast differences between weather at the poles?
You must be able to see it is a big freemasonic deception! It is all a joke on the base population.
They rub their flat earth emblems in our faces!
I know you have seen through the moon landings, do you believe in satellites and do you believe their round images of the "oblate spheroid"?
What do you make of the P900 zooming in and showing the sun-set is really just a sun-away...
Must we assume all the ancients were wrong? Must we deny our senses?