Flat Earth? A Practical Observation

in flat •  6 years ago  (edited)

The following video is more of a presentation than anything else, it is not a documentary, it is a question based in practical testable reality and not theoretical fantasy. Science is an open book and this question has demonstrable merit.

It is a testable and repeatable scientific fact that a body of water cannot bend around and stick to the exterior of a surface, specifically a spinning one, a body of water must be contained. If water is not contained it will always flow until it meets a barrier or some kind, at which point it will begin to rise and always maintain its level until it is released again or overflows. It does not have the ability to stick to a spinning ball.

It is also a scientific fact that opposing pressure systems cannot exist side by side without a solid barrier between them, however this is the complete opposite of what space agencies tell us, i.e the vacuum of space co-existing with the non vacuum of earth with no solid barrier to separate the two pressure systems. This is impossible, all pressure systems that we can demonstrate must have a solid barrier to separate them or they will equilibrate.

The next practical example we can look at is the curvature of the globe earth. The globe is supposed to be 24,901 miles in circumference, this means that we would be able to measure and detect the earths curvature from ground level, however when you put this to the test it turns out that the curvature we are told should be there simply does not exist. Its either that, or the earth is much much much larger than we have been told it is.

Another thing to point out is that we have no real pictures of earth from space that show curvature.

Civilian Space eXploration Team
GoFast 2014 accomplishments:
• World record, highest amateur rocket launch
• World record, fastest speed rocket launch
• First photo taken from space onboard an amateur rocket
• Second amateur rocket in history to reach space

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Footage Sources: (YouTube)
A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The moon
Amateur Rocket Qu8k
Beyond The Imaginary Curve
Bill Nye (The Science Guy)
Civilian Space eXploration Team GoFast 2014
Jake The Asshole
John Globe Lie
Little Piggy High Altitude Balloon Flight
Neil deGrasse Tyson
Rob Skiba
Robert Orcutt
The Truman Show
Wide Awake
Zooming in on stuff

Piano Please - T.N.T.
Up In My Jam All Of A Sudden - Kubbi
Morning Stroll - Josh Kirsch
Bill Nye The Science Guy - TV Theme
Sapphire - Tobu
Ocean - THBD
Bay Breeze - Fortythr33
Mental Cube - Q

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It is a testable and repeatable scientific fact that a body of water cannot bend around and stick to the exterior of a surface, specifically a spinning one, a body of water must be contained.

Gravity. The force pulling matter toward the center of the earth. The same force which keeps the atmosphere close to the planet and allows you to breathe, also keeps water attached to the surface of a the spinning sphere.

Edit: Flagging isn't smart :)

gravity counteracts a massive 1038 mph centrifugal force does it?

When everything is moving concurrently with the same momentum yes. Gravity for instance also still works when you are flying on a plane.

that's quite a presumption for (presumably) a scientist, no?
every argument is a priori - the earth is a spinning ball therefore..
michelson-morley, sagnac's turntables, airy's failure - real empirical experiments which (accidentally) proved the earth is not in motion.

you just don't want to believe you have been conned massively, and have been manipulated to believe the opposite of what your own senses tell you is reality.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Thanks for the mute -- much appreciated! Have a steemy day my flat earth friend!

you just don't want to believe you have been conned massively, and have been manipulated to believe the opposite of what your own senses tell you is reality.


Can you practically demonstrate gravity? If not then its a theory and not a fact, which is pseudo science. Science must be observable, testable and repeatable.

Take a quarter, hold it in your hand in front of you. Let go. It falls at 9.8 m/s because of gravity. Something becomes a theory when it has been backed up by experimental evidence, it is not a conjecture or hypothesis. Theories are confirmed scientific fact. In non scientific terms, theory is used interchangeably with hypothesis, however in science speak it isnt.

That's all assumption, objects, such as a quarter, fall because they are heavier than the air in which surrounds them, the same way as a helium balloon rises, it rises because it is lighter than the air in which surrounds it. Dropping and object has absolutely nothing to do with "gravity", it's buoyancy and density. Did you even watch the video? I covered this quite clearly.

I should also add that the theory of gravity by definition is a hypothesis, and a hypothesis cannot be a fact.. a hypothesis is a hypothesis, and a fact is a fact. And regardless of its so called definition, if you cannot provide a practical example and physically show gravity, then it is irrelevant, scientific claims must be observable, testable and repeatable every time. Otherwise, it is pseudo science.

Another thing that I will add to this is that "gravity" does not provide measurable curvature. Therefore it is also a fallacious argument.

I can't really understand what you are trying to say.

You said,
"Take a quarter, hold it in your hand in front of you. Let go. It falls at 9.8 m/s because of gravity."

And I am saying that that's an assumption.
The reason the quarter will fall is because it is more dense than the air that surrounds it. Gravity is irrelevant. What you have just described is buoyancy and density.

Dropping a coin does not prove that gravity exists. It only proves that the coin is heavier than the air around it.

Watch the video from 13.31 to 20.24.

If you create a vacuum, and drop some objects inside said vacuum all objects irrespective of their density will still fall at 9.8 m/s^2 due to the pull of gravity.

Dropping the coin does not inherently prove gravity exists, the constant rate by which the coin accelerates is the indirect illustration of gravitational pull.

The above video is an incorrect oversimplification (as is always the case with these sorts of videos and people who love attention). Density and buoyancy do explain why lighter gasses rise above heavier gasses. However, all of the gasses are pulled upon by gravity as well (they too are accelerating toward the planet like anything else, it is their densities which come into play and determine their relative positioning). Gravity is why they don't float away from the planet off into space and why we are able to have an atmosphere like we do, unlike say... the moon or mars which are less massive and as such have a weaker gravitational pull.

The concept of density and buoyancy of gasses is also why very light gasses (see helium) will go up to the very outermost part of the atmosphere, can be energetically excited further and actually break free of the pull of gravity, resulting in their loss forever.

I am still not understanding your point. It's just not correct. Cheers.

Vsauce actually does a fantastic job explaining all of this:

Irrelevant, the reason an object falls in a vacuum is because there is nothing in the vacuum. If you put a helium balloon in a vacuum it's not going to rise is it?.. the helium is obviously going to be heavier than nothing, therefor it will obviously fall.

And just like with the coin falling through the air, a coin will also fall through a vacuum. Not because of gravity, but because it is heavier than literally nothing. Everything falls in a vacuum.

So again this does not prove gravity, it only proves that objects fall when they are heavier than the medium they are in. Your claim is completely invalid, no one can provide a practical demonstration for gravity, it's a theory, not a fact.

You also conveniently left out the fact that you must have a solid separation in order to create a vacuum, or the vacuum can't exist, i.e. a vacuum chamber. Vacuums do not naturally occur. So that again is another science fact that conflicts with the globe model of the earth.

Maby when a scientist creates a vacuum chamber with no solid separation between the vacuum and another medium such as the air that surrounds us, then puts a little spinning ball inside it with water and an atmosphere sticking to it, then I'l believe it. But until then, I'm afraid I'l have to stick with my practical, observable, testable, repeatable, demonstrable scientific reality. Cheers.

And what do you mean flagging? I didn't flag your comment, I clicked on the thumb down button... that is it. And I thumbs downed your comment because you referred me to a video that was completely irrelevant. From what I've gathered so far you haven't even watched my video, you have just read the title, looked at the description and then commented on the video with standard textbook regurgitation.
If you had watched the video you would know what my take on "gravity" is and we wouldn't even be having this back and forth.