Look at the street lights on a highway. The ones further away from your sight APPEARS shorter or lower than the ones closest to you, even though they are all the same EXACT height.
Don't you realise that the further an object moves outwards and away from your point of view, DUE TO PERSPECTIVE ON A PLANE, it APPEARS to "drop down" as it CONVERGES at the VANISHING POINT (HORIZON).
The horizon is NOT a PHYSICAL LINE.
It is a vanishing point...
It is how far you can see in your limited field of vision.
When you observe the boat disappearing bottom first and it seems to gradually "go down" until only the top of the mast is visible, then it completely vanishes... And you think it is because of the alleged CURVATURE of the ocean, it means that you are oblivious to how your vision works in our reality.
Convergence in not curvature.
Via Conscious Evolution
The centre ring is much bigger with more continents than the UN logo map shows.
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