Concerning the flat earth

in flatearth •  6 years ago  (edited)

I feel very confident that the powers that be are not being honest about things, I am not saying that I am 100% certain that the earth is flat, I just have a hard time believing that the earth is round
In the following video Chris enplanes the fact that the earth that many people overlook. The following video does not talk about how the Bible says that the sun is a light and the moon is a separate light

Anyway, GOD said that the sun is one light and the moon is an entirely different light (but the scientific community would have us believe that the sun and the moon share the same light source if that were true then objects in the shade of the moonlight would be cooler (just like when you go outside in the day time and you get to warm what do you do to cool off...answer you head for some shade. But if you go outside at nighttime and you get hot, if you go under the shade you will only get warmer.

To get an idea of what the earth might actually look like, imagine the globe earth model and in your mind smash the north pole towards the south pole...and as a result Antarctica (the south pole) is no longer an island, it has become a wall that surrounds the planet and holds the water in.

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i'm getting pretty confident... some of the things you'll find missing/present in real world data.. like the lack of a curve.. just can't be overcome in my opinion.

I do not know if you saw the video that Chris Green (from AMTV on youtube) posted but I think about what he said (basicly) -I do not care about flat earth, but it became more important to me because the main stream is trying so hard to disprove the flat earth- Like I told a guy at the gym 'if we are wrong why are they so concerned with disproving us?'

A video that I recently watched on youtube pointed out that 'most likely there has never been a man launched in a rocket' The guy did a good job laying out the evidence, basicly he stated that normal conversation is at a sound level of 40 decebils. the supposed space shuttle produces over 200 decebils. Nasa has stated that the noise from rocket launches is so violent that grass that is up to a mile away can catch on fire. I have watched video of car speakers that were turned up so loud that it shreded a phone book. I imagine that even if thoes -space helments- could block 100% of the sound, the sound wave/viberations would most likely shake a human so violently that serious injury would ocour. Then the guy showed a video of one of the astronaughts (astrer - means stars, and naughts are zeros haha) inside a 'space shuttle' with a notebook that was gently laid open (as the guy reminded us that the rocket was reaching the speed of sound.

Of course the Bible clearly states that the sun and the moon are separate lights, ( Genesis 1:16. Also in Genesis 1:6 the Bible talks about the firmement...the bottom line is that this fake science is disagreeing with what the Bible says.

Another fun thing to learn about is why is there no direct flights in the southern hemisphere? If I get into an airplane in Brazil and I am going to fly to South Africia, why would my plane have a layover in London?

(Some of the stories that we are being told just do not add up)

Lets look at Anarticia (I do not think that it is an island, rather it might be an ice wall that holds the water in) People are not allowed to explore Anarticia, even though we are told that there is billions of dollars worth of minerals and resources there. However a munch of countries got together and signed a treaty to keep Anaraticia a no mans land (why would anyone believe that because humans have a history of being disagreeable.

is a great for proving we didn't go to the moon.

some funny points from that text and other sources i've found:

we 'lost' the saturn v rocket plans

we 'lost' the original transmission, and after australia discovered a copy and sent it to us... we 'lost' that too.

there wasn't enough fuel for the rockets to get there.

every single 'moon mission' coincided with local crisis that was overshadowed by the 'moon missions' (that is well explained in moondoggie text)

nasa founder has quote from bible about firmament on his gravestone.

i honestly think you can only be a ball earther if you never honestly look at the information available.


astrer - means stars, and naughts are zeros haha

this is great. i just saw this again in your post. too funny.

Why do you think that a man would work hard at an agency if he knew that the agency was not telling the truth?

i is totally fucked man.

why would you do that?

i wouldn't do that.

that is not wise.

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