RE: The Flat Earth “Psyop”… ?

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The Flat Earth “Psyop”… ?

in flatearth •  8 years ago  (edited)

Please do not waste your time thinking that the earth is flat.

If you want to investigate the truth, read the original text of Galileo and Newton.

A very good book is

"Big Bang: The Origin of the Universe" by Simon Singh

He explains very well and simply how the ancients (Eratosthenes, Hipparchus and many ohers) were able to calculate the radius of the Earth, of the Moon, of the Sun and their relative distances.

The conclusion is: dismiss any theory about flat earth because even the ancient Greeks knew it was not and were able to prove it.

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Newton was a Freemason and can't be trusted. You have just asserted that the heliocentric globe has been proven this Is completely false.

The beauty of science is that you do not have to trust anyone, just experiment at home by yourself what you read in a good scientific book.

You are now using a computer, a product of technology, and technology works exceptionally well considering its complexity. Technology is the byproduct of the science of which Newton is certainly one of the biggest contributors. It does not make any difference if Newton was a freemason or not; the truth is still the truth.

About heliocentrism, this is not technically the true way to see the model. The Sun and all the planets in the Solar System orbit about the centre of mass of the Solar System. This is called the Solar Centre Barycentre as explained here:

I believed this absolute lies all my life until two months ago, do you think I just jumped to this position, with no thought. NO, I spent months, battling with my own mind which had been brainwashed.

When you finally wake up to this you realize you have been completely deceived by Freemasons who are attempting to bring In a New World Order. I have seen multiple experiments which are very simple and easy to do yourself and completely disprove the heliocentric model.

Where are your beautyful experiments? Pics or it didn't happen.

There are literally 10-15 FULL VIDEOS of balloons with cameras showing you what it actually looks like. Try seeking truth yourself.

There are these wonderful sun dials in India, or in that region that are on the sides of buildings. They work today, and tell time very accurately. They ONLY WORK on a flat earth.