Let's not divide and break fellowship over something like the shape of the earth.

in flatearth •  7 years ago 

So a few weeks ago I had an idea for a video I wanted to do with these guys. I wanted to show that even though we don't all agree, we can all still love each other and have a good time. Then the Rood/Hovind debacle happened and I knew we needed to do this.

In this video in order of appearance, @beardo, @dwells, @mericanhomestead, @theleadingbrand and Steve Moutria.

Thank you also to @jeejee for the great camera work.

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All these great Hebrew Steemians. Excellent @dwells. Bless the Most High! @ironshield

That was perfect and the message is true!

Haha loved it! PS, does Steve live in the area too??

Yes he does.

Excellent encouragement! It looks like there could be opportunities for other videos of this nature. I would like to request/suggest a round table discussion! Hebrews coming together to worship God no matter the differences.....we need to see more of this! Thanks everyone involved!

may disaster pass away
Do not forget to stop by my post, thank you

may disaster pass away
Do not forget to stop by my post, thank you