[Flat Earth] This Nashole really think he works for a real space agency, this is just hilarious.steemCreated with Sketch.

in flatearth •  8 years ago  (edited)
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Ok I have three $1million challenges to you and your followers then.

I have been working with satellite data for 5 years as an economist optimising economic decision making based on Earth Observing Satellite data.

I have contributed to help shipping companies, Farmers and Foresters save millions of dollars annually by using earth observing satellites that can measure height, temperature, colour, etc, of the Earth's surface anywhere in the World every single week (every single day when using Planet's data). Using the data to autonomously guide ships where there is less Ice in the water or lower winds, when to harvest and/or water crops, when to cut trees for optimal harvest cycles etc.

If you can either 1: Disprove that the ESA Copernicus Sentinel 1-3 Satellites exist (I would love that since I spend all my time using their live-updated data, I would really like to stop wasting my time…) or 2. If you can show me a way to retrieve the same data, with the same precision, at the same time schedules, without using satellites, as is used in the case studies found in this link. I will pay you $1m per paper (there are 3). I hope you read them as they provide some very useful information.
PS: They are not written by people who care about NASA or maintaining any “government secrets” but by people who would only benefit if the data actually worked.

All 3 papers:

Winter Navigation in the Baltic:
Forest Management in Sweden:
Infrastructure Monitoring in the Netherlands:

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

the work you do might be useful, but doesn't rely on "Satellites in Space".
as I posted in your presentation thread all that data can be collected from aerostatic balloons, military spy planes, high altitude drones, triangulations etc etc

"I have been working with satellite data for 5 years as an economist optimising economic decision making based on Earth Observing Satellite data."

Where are the satellites in this picture?

Oh wait we have no pictures of satellites, because they do not exists. @lavater pointed out all the data you are working on can be done from the ground.

real ballone no curve.png

I hate to be the one pointing out these things for you, but someones got to do it.

The job you have is fake.

that would be a great introduction post. short and concise,lol.

He introduced himself on Steemit 2 days ago as a NASA employee... things are heating up now!

Ask this guy, how can he cross the Van Allen Belts?

We need all flat earths to come on Steemit to wake up the masses and asking this guy questions could be a way to do that... I foresee that this guy will be destroyed in a matter of 1-2 months. I already invited the biggest flat earthers to steemit, they are probably researching Steemit right now before jumping in!

i have nice hair! too, lol......

I like your way of following your beliefs and fighting to prove it
best wishes to you mate
you are ambition man and I learn things from you