CONCIERGE COIN ICO | 25 OCTOBER | Flat Earth & The emperors new clothes 2

in flatearth •  7 years ago  (edited)

CONCIERGE COIN ICO | 25 OCTOBER | Flat Earth & The emperors new clothes 2

Hello my fellow crypto friends and flat earthers. I expect that after my previous posts, some questions about my sanity have come up. No worries for I am still as mad as a hatter :)

Personally, I have given the subjest a lot of thought, as I plotted my previous post down rather impulsively and from my heart, hoping for reactions, good or bad. Looking at the stats, it reached some of you, but not nearly as many as I would like, so the plan is to get my numbers up, up, up, while not forfeiting on ‘our mission’.

How can we do this? Repetition, repetition....
Conspiracy theories are abound and apart from flagged profile pictures and a oooh and aaaah, most people are getting numb to it, as planned by the directors like of those events: with the exception maybe for the mother of all conspiracies; Flat Earth because it sounds too far out and destroys the very foundation of most people’s indoctrinated belief system and therefore that is exactly what is necessary; see, what are the ruling class’ 2 main weapons?

Mind control
Monetary control


Let's start with mind control: imagine you are a child and you’d never been to school and still possess a perfectly clean mind, like a brand new hard disc. Now, start observing your planeT what do you see, what do you experience? Right; flat and motionless….


Now, imagine you are born a member of Freemason secret society, or a born psychopath recruited and formed by them, out to gain as much power as you can and establish a New World Order and you are indoctrinated with the concept that any not Freemason is Goyim, or cattle.
What would be the best way to control that huge flock of cattle? Right, with very ancient and proven concepts, invented by the Romans (read Jesuits); ‘divide and conquer combined with bread and games’. How can that efficiently be done? The answer is the trademark of the forked guy, namely ‘deception’.
The deeper this deception, the more power and control is gained….now, how much deeper than deceiving your flock about the very concept of the planeT they live on can you go?


Genesis is turned into a myth, your creator is given a name ‘God’ or ‘Allah’ and lets blame him for all that is wrong, meanwhile you covertly worship his opponent Lucifer and the Sun.
Than, similar like the ancient Maya’s did, a slect club of people that are in ‘the know’, (it’s a big club and you are not invited - George Carlin) are installed, dressed in white coats, with PHDs in front of their name, that like those Jesuits have a closer connection with the divine than you, thus ruling over your belief system with new concepts like a heliocentric earth shape, fake moonlandings and satalites all ot proof the evolution and big bang theory, enforcing that with constant games and indoctrination, all made in a Hollywood basement. Scare techniques, like terror and ominent wars are thrown in, than solutions are provided, solutions robbing more and more from your personal freedom and opinion, enslaving you gradually more #9/11


Our monetary system:

Well, I think that is more familiar with most of you; centralized, debt driven, enslaving the population with a beautiful side effect called ‘shortage’ conveniently creating humanities most downgrading aspects; envy, jealousy, greed and aggression to each other, nature and our very mother Earth. Since evolution tells us we are but a speck in the vast ocean of the Universe, morality, values, belief in your creation are downgraded and atheism, cultural Marxism, racism, aliens,WW3 etc etc are planted in your mind; it is a win/win situation for our masters and they are using it against us, charging you (with interest) to finance your own deception, next to eternal wars, deadly virusses, vaccination and their other control projects all part of a greater eugenics plan, coz they want the worldpopulation to diminish to 500 milion...


In 2008, due to the ‘global’ economic crisis our masters presented us, and further enriched them, out of nowhere Bitcoin appeared, which was invented by someone nobody knows, called Sitoshi Nakamoto. A completely new approach to the concept of money and its value, all based on a decentralized algorithm.
Since than, cryptocurrencies have been gaining more and more ground and are disrupting our established monetary system and reshaping the way we do business. is very proud to be part of this revolution and is under development to bring more fairness and equality to our wonderfully created planeT.
When you hold long term (hodl is how the crypto traders call it) a currency, you are buying into it's story, giving it value. Banks can create more dollars in the form of electronic debt. Why not prepare yourself for a digital age by learning to use digital currencies which have fixed limits of inflation baked into the protocol's design? Especially kinds of money that banks and governments can't impede? There are lots of mistakes to make, why not do it with a small amount of money now rather than later when you might have to put all of your wealth into crypto?
I've imagined a new kind of currency that's based on the uncorrected harm that governments have caused to an individual. It's called and it will use the Ethereum platform. But if you are going to use something like this, you're going to have to get familiar with these new kinds of money. So why not start learning with Bitcoin, Ethereum or Litecoin?
Some people work for dollars, some people invent them in a computer and make you borrow them at interest with an "agreed" promise of collateral damage to you if you fail to pay. Our goal should be to divest ourselves of monetary systems that restrict the free expression of transactions.


As always a lie will always come out and in my very strong opinion, now is the time to show the emperor's new clothes and expose our rulers for what they really are: worshippers of the devil with an covert plan in plain sight to enslave you and me more and more in a one government, one bank, one religion, globalized lie of a world!

Today, thank goodness both of these most disruptive concepts are going viral together, disrupting their mind- and monetary control. No weapons are needed, just likeminded people that understand more than ever that ‘together we stand, while divided we fall’.
For those that struggle with the flat Earth concept, please understand that it is for many not at all a religious zealot-, or mad conspiracy thing, but really a true scientific approach to the globe shape of the planeT our masters tell us we live on, and it appears to be riddled with problems and impossibilities.


Eric Dubay is the man we have to grateful to as he had the jewels to go against consensus, clear his mind, apply real science (as opposed to the pseudo science our white coated, pedophelic, ruling scientists apply) and found some very disturbing anomalies with the sphere model, problems that magically disappear on a flat Earth model, just as described in the book of Genesis;

Indeed a point not easy for a very recently still atheist, now leaning much more towards agnostic.
For details, please start your personal research here:


I hope my little rant makes sense to some of you and moreover I hope you will join us as the cool characteristic about cryptocurrency is that the more people join, the stronger it gets, and the more momentum cryptocurrencies get, the more ‘they’ lose control, so in case you are new to the concept, please start learning and get on the wagon, as I can guarantee you that in 5 to 10 years you will be looking back at fiat currency like Europeans are looking back to their Deutsch Mark, Guilder, Pesata or Lire…..
Cryptocurrency is still in its infancy, and the ride has been and will remain rocky, but it will bring you prosperity and freedom, while exposing the emperor's new clothes; the least control they will have over our minds and money, the better and equal this beautiful flat and motionless planeT will be! Maybe this is a sign of our creator, who as we all know when all is said and done, will siege.


And don’t forget to gimme some Steem!

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