The Very Basics: Flat Earth 101

in flatearth •  7 years ago 

In case you're already familiar with the fact that we're not living on a spinning oblate spheroid, you won't find any forward-thinking remarks in this entry. If you're interested in the latter, I'd highly recommend you to go here. This post is directed at individuals who have never or only peripherally heard of the increasing number of people awakening to the geocentric reality / die-hard globelievers respectively who didn't care looking into Flat Earth because of the jarring nature of the topic. Which brings us to the first point:

  • Flat Earth doesn't equal a disc floating in outer space. This image was deliberately created in order to make people steer clear of investigating the issue further. Get rid of the following images in your mind:



Let me repeat myself: These depictions don't represent the true FE cosmology. They were obviously created to ridicule the subject. As for the real shape of the earth, most of us are comfortable with saying "We don't know, apart from it being level and stationary". Is it an infinite plane? Is there a dome above us? These questions are open for debate. Regarding going up into 'space' and looking down, you must be aware that the whole space program of all participating countries has been proven to be a fraud of preposterous dimensions. If this is uncharted territory for you as well, research for example the moon landing hoax, bubbles in space, NASA green screen fakery. All things considered, most of us lend credence to something like this:

  • But they are sending rockets into space, yes? Only in an exoteric sense. The space agencies are launching unmanned crafts, yes, but these are not going anywhere near 'space'. While watching a launch, you'll notice how after a certain time they switch to a graphic showing the alleged trajectory of the rocket. What you'll also see is a camera pointing downwards to 'earth' displaying poorly executed CGI. Additionally, notice how the rocket fulfills an arch, and in case of NASA, probably touching down somewhere in the Bermuda triangle. Apart from stealing tax payer's money and brainwashing you into believing in the heliocentric lie, esoterically speaking, the whole show is a fertility ritual: The rocket represents an obelisk, which is a phallus symbol. 'Payload' is code for sperm, which impregnates Nut, the goddess of the sky.

  • What about the photos of the ball earth? There are none. I covered this here.

  • If I were to research Flat Earth, is the Flat Earth Society my go-to institution? Not really. You'd be well advised to actually avoid them, since they seem to be planted there as gatekeepers that mix truth with disinfo. Just have a look at the following, which says it all:


  • So, what about the edge? This question comes up quite early in the discussion, for obvious reasons. Again, I'd have to ask you to eliminate the notion of a disc, where the waters of the oceans flow off into space. Try to picture a lake with islands instead, whereas the islands would be our continents, and the shore would be the land mass that encompasses the earth pond. Who knows, maybe there are more realms out there? This of course is pure conjecture for the time being, but most interesting to ponder nonetheless I'd say.

  • All other planets are round, therefore the earth must be round too! This one is a classic as well, and it perfectly demonstrates how to make a strawman argument, for you are comparing apples with oranges. First off, acknowledge the difference between round and spherical. That is to say, an object that is spherical is round but an object that is round doesn't imply it is spherical. A round table is not spherical, neither is a coin. How can you be positive that the sun is a ball? Furthermore, the lights that you see when you look up are just that: luminaries. They are not terra firma, meaning: not rocks you can physically set foot upon. Ever wondered why you're only able to see one side of the moon, but never the 'dark side' of it? And sometimes you can even see through it? Lastly, let's assume that all other 'planets' (formerly known as wandering stars) are spheres, it's still a stretch to conclude the thing we live on has be a sphere too. I find these analogies illustrating: Is the round lamp hanging from the ceiling proof for a spherical floor in your room? Or how about a billard table – would you deduce the same shape for the pool table from the balls?

  • This would be a huge conspiracy with millions involved in the lie! Impossible to pull through! You reckon? What about you, are you part of the conspiracy as well? Of course you're not. You just believe what you've been taught. Your teachers only repeated what they have learned. And that's exactly the crux with this indoctrination of ours: most of us only regurgitate what we've been told without considering fact-checking and verifying. There's a saying that goes like 'It only takes three generations to brainwash a nation.' Think of the operation as an onion with its multiple layers. We, the 'simple people', are on the skin. The more you peel off, the more you'll reach the inner circles of the powers that shouldn't be. Almost every corporation works on this need-to-know-basis. You have the employee, the head of department, the executive, the supervisor, and the president, each with their own level of knowledge. Organisations like NASA are compartmentalised with different security clearances. You have contractors and subcontractors, each one of them not purposely participating in the conspiracy. Not all scientists, researchers, astronomers, pilots, NASA employees, military officials, and other 'authorities' are in on it. The greater part of those people are simply being instrumentalized as useful idiots.

I hope this helped answering some basic questions about the Flat Earth phenomenon. I'd urge you to look deeper into the rabbit hole that enfolds not only Flat Earth but a multitude of overlapping conspiracies / hoaxes / frauds. Fear not, for the insights you will have on your journey are highly rewarding! In case you're curious about finding out about my path:

Peace on the stationary plane!

Words by They Lie We See / switzerflatland.

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Why would the shadow of earth that is cast on the moon during a lunar eclipse be in the shape of a curving arc if the earth is flat?

First of all, how can you determine the shape of an object from its shadow?

Secondly, why assume the eclipse is due to Earth? What if there's another phenomenon explaining the "shadow" not discussed in mainstream "science" / scientism?

Last but not least, research the topic for yourself with an open mind, and present your findings to me & your upvoting fans.

Until then, peace on the stationary plane.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

When the light source travels completely around an object, or conversely, when an object travels completely around a light source, we sure can determine its shape.

No secondary phenomenon has been advanced that has explained all the data and observations, that's why.

Until next time, enjoy your delusion.

Urgh, I have a new fan / stalker...

Excellent April Fool’s Day hijinks!