RE: The Flat or Globe Earth Choice

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The Flat or Globe Earth Choice

in flatearth •  6 years ago 

When your conjecture has to rely on a conspiracy to support it instead of facts, you are in big trouble.

There are hundreds of years of data and observations that prove the earth is a sphere. You believe you live in a special snowglobe created by a sky wizard. Interesting delusion you live in...

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I hereby invite you for a FE discussion at the Flat Earth Network. We are looking for die-hard ball-addicted globe defenders, that trust every word of man. People with blind faith like you, that trust in alleged "hundreds of years of data", but not their own senses & scientific proof that contradict the heliocentric system in every conceivable way. People that are in a religious cult, in a belief system called globeism, that are not even aware that they are in a cult, genuflecting to the state, to the one world order. People that believe everything media, education, nasa, scientism puts forward without scrutinizing / criticial thinking / skepticism. People that don't realise that up until the space / moon-landing fakery initially done by nasa, literally nobody believed in the laughable notion of a spinning sphere hurtling through space at multiple supersonic-breakneck speeds.

Please go here: There's an envelope icon from where you can contact us. And don't chicken out on me. OK?

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

When I was young and relatively unaware of how reason and logic works, I was a conspiratard. I believed every conspiracy out there, including that the moon landings were faked.

Upon further investigation and using my brain noodle, I discovered the douchbaggery afoot in these conspiracy movements. I will trust the work of many many intelligent people over centuries of time instead of the deceit and misdirection and lies of conspiratards like you.

Holy shit, I just clicked on your link, I am not paying 10 dollars to listen to bullshit lolz You are just another POE, trying to make cash from stupid people.

Dang, why do I even talk to people like you.

So the moon landings were real, huh? Smfh.

I didn't ask you to become a member at FEN (that's only for grown-ups), I simply invited you to be a guest on our show. I never asked you to pay any money. But there we have it, you don't understand even the simplest things – how would you ever find your way out of the mind control that the globe deception is?

Although I knew you would chicken out, the invite still stands.

Yes, the moon landings were real.