Google's Brew-tiful Tribute: Doodling Up Flat White Coffee Day's Features and History

in flatwhitecoffeeday •  11 months ago 

Flat White Coffee is an espresso-based beverage that originated in Australia and New Zealand. Google's doodle for Flat White Coffee Day is visible in several countries, including India.

History of Flat White Coffee Day:
Celebrated worldwide on March 11th, Flat White Coffee Day was officially included in the Oxford English Dictionary in 2011. Flat White Coffee, a hot beverage made with steamed milk, is believed to have first appeared on menus in Sydney and Auckland during the 1980s.

How is Flat White Coffee Made?
This coffee is made using a shot of white espresso, topped with steamed milk and a thin layer of microfoam. It is traditionally served in a ceramic cup. Flat White is particularly popular among those who prefer less foam in their coffee. It has gained popularity in various cafes in Australia and New Zealand.

Note: The translation may not capture all nuances, and certain terms may be adapted for clarity in English.


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