Collapsing Coin (FLDC) is down - 64.40% over the most recent 30 days from $0.06561 per coin. Its up 176.78% over the most recent 100 days since when exchanged at $0.00844 and the yearly pattern is up. 200 days back FLDC exchanged at $0.01425. FLDC has 574.51M coins mined giving it $13.42 million market top. Collapsing Coin most extreme coins accessible are 1000.00M. FLDC utilizes Stanford Folding calculation and PoW evidence write. It was begun on 13/09/2014.
FoldingCoin (FLDC) helps fight infections like growth and Alzheimer by adding to the Stanford's Folding@Home organize.
FLDC is a coin that prizes volunteers for adding to this activity. FoldingCoin is dispersed regularly, in view of the individual commitments. This new money can be exchanged from individual to individual utilizing the Bitcoin blockchain and the Counterparty convention.