Flood enveloped my village

in flood •  7 years ago 

A story a few months ago was unforgettable what happened in my village, a very tragic flood of the time, the water was so fast and through what lay ahead.
That morning around 5:10 am on Wednesday morning the water had started up and hit what was there so fast he ran.

In Matang Keh village, the inhabitants mostly work as farmers and almost everyone or all the families here have rice fields to grow rice crops. And the people here are also very friendly with people.

One day, the residents were surprised. They saw a luxury car pass by. The residents began to whisper, "Who is he? Why is he here?"

Soon there was a car pulling up in a sudden, it turns out he's a wealthy official, and he also intends to live in this village, he is very friendly with the environment and everyone here.

Everyone was surprised by the arrival of the flood waters so quickly and could have gone through 5 minutes already around the water.
Our village was very afraid of the water so fast and for 3 days the water was still there in our village.

He lived here for days and has never felt any floods and while living here he began to feel the flood.

Sebuah cerita beberapa bulan yang lalu rasanya tidak terlupakan apa yang terjadi di desa ku, Banjir yang sangat tragis waktu itu, airnya begitu cepat dan melalui apa yang ada di depannya.
Pagi itu sekitar jam 05:10 di pagi Rabu air sudah mulai naik dan menghantam apa yang ada airnya begitu cepat dia berlari.

Di Desa Matang keh, para penduduknya kebanyakan bekerja sebagai petani dan hampir semua orang atau semua keluarga di sini memiliki sawah untuk bercocok tanam padi. Dan penduduk disini juga sangat ramah dengan orang-orang.

Suatu hari, para penduduk merasa terkejut. Mereka melihat sebuah mobil mewah melintas. Para penduduk mulai berbisik, "Siapa dia? Mengapa dia berada di sini?"

Tak lama, ada sebuah mobil berhenti dalam tiba-tiba , ternyata dia seorang penjabat kaya raya, dan ia pun bermaksud tinggal di desa ini,dia pun sangat ramah dengan lingkungan dan semua orang disini.

Semua orang terkejut dengan kedatangan air banjir yang begitu cepat dan bisa melalui 5 menit sudah sepinggang airnya.
Desa kami sangat takut air yang begitu cepat dan selama 3 hari air masih ada di desa kami.

Dia berhari-hari tinggal disini dan belum pernah merasakan banjir sekali pun dan saat tinggal disini dia mulai merasakan banjir.

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