Floods Confronted in isolated villages

in floods •  7 years ago 

Road crossing Gampong Lae Riman - Silatong is plagued by flooding. Puddle of water occurred following high rainfall in Aceh Singkil since a week resulted in overflow of river flow Lae Cinendang.

As a result, agricultural areas and plantation residents on the banks of the river were submerged.

"Since the floods have soaked up several points of Lae Riman-Silatong road opening location, the construction of talut, bridge and hoarding of roads is inhibited, although its implementation enters the 16th day," Lieutenant Colonel Kav Kapti Hertantyawan, Dandim 0109 Aceh Singkil, Wednesday (11/10/2017 ).

Dandim also explained if the construction site is submerged in water as tall as adults. While the location of the water bridge concrete plate bridge as high as 1 meter.

The Task Force personnel and the community implementing the activities of the Army Manunggal Entrance Village must rotate and pass through the hill to avoid puddles in order to get to the location of physical activity.

While the physical objectives of TMMD activities are reported, the Gampong Lae Riman Field Development and the construction of two culvert units have been completed 100 percent.

The opening of the 1,100 meter road has been done 85 percent, the new 2,900 meter road hardening reached 35 percent, making two concrete bridge units 40 percent. And the construction of 100 meters of new talus will be implemented and hampered due to flooding.

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