I know that smell!

in flower •  7 years ago  (edited)

Isn't it cool, how smelling something, seeing it, or even sometimes eating it, can almost take you back in time?
This morning, my kids and I were waiting for my son's bus. We had a little spare time before it arrived so we were just kind of walking around, checking whatever (mostly bugs hehe) out. The wind started to pick up a bit and I kept smelling something that seemed so familiar to me. I happened to look over by the road and that's when I noticed it:
For a moment I felt like I was living my childhood again! Some of my most fondest memories, running around with my siblings and finding these flowers, taking them apart to eat their nectar. I'm sure the smiles on our faces were priceless.
I just love when that happens.
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I can almost smell it now! I remember it growing along the fence line at the Trask house and eating the nectar. I bet Roman and Alex thought that was neat!

I showed them and they were interested for a second, then went back to looking at dead bugs (we found some that almost looked like they shed their skin, if that makes sense. And they were a bit obsessed.) Lol, I need to try again when they're not so entertained by something else

Digging the shot. I love it. Upvoted. Cheers.

Edit: Every time I see a flower with this look. It reminds me of the Dame De Noches (Night-Blooming Jasmine) that bloom in my parents' backyard. I miss the fragrance that comes from them.

@oceanrift I want to look those up now! Thanks for telling me about them :)

@ashleyhogan What's great about the flower is that it releases its scent at night. Hence the name. Very cool stuff. Hence the name.

Edit: Next time I'm at my parents I will send a pic of it. It's an amazing plant.

Thanks @oceanrift!!

Every time im on a dirt road and can smell these oh boy, the memories. Just like dirt roading to go and pick blackberries with mom!!

When I tried showing the kids I got so excited for them to eat it, they just kind of looked at me like I was crazy and went back to poking dead bugs. Lol. They'll get it one day though!
Ooh, yeah that's another good one! I vaguely remember having a patch at the Trask house. Or was that raspberries? Some kind of berry!! @melodyrussell do you remember? Or is my mind playing tricks on me? Haha.
And apple trees! That was another favorite, still to this day when I see one I think of that apple tree out there, and us picking them :)

It was totally blackberries haha!!! And i can see where dead bugs are more important than flowers haha!

Of course dead bugs are more interesting! Haha! This time it surprisingly wasn't poop, they're usually super amazed by any kind of poop! I need to show them some of @hethur240's posts!

Ah yes the shartist haha! Well at least they fit right into the family and can have conversations about poop later in life!!